[Penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh keberadaan blockholder pendiri keluarga dalam perusahaan terhadap kinerja perusahaan Tobin?s Q dan ROA di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dengan dikontrol variabel size, age, dan growth. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ordinary least square (OLS) pada 120 perusahaan non finansial di BEI pada tahun 2008-2013. Keberadaan blockholder pendiri keluarga menurunkan kinerja Tobin?s Q dan ROA dan tidak signifikan ditunjukkan karakteristik perusahaan sama dengan perusahaan non keluarga. Age perusahaan mempengaruhi kinerja Tobin?s Q, sedangkan size dan growth mempengaruhi kinerja ROA. Perusahaan blockholder non keluarga memiliki kinerja valuasi dan profitabilitas lebih baik dibandingkan dengan blockholder pendiri keluarga.
;This research investigates the impact of family blockholder toward firm performance in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), controlled by size, age, and growth. This research use ordinary least square (OLS) method in 120 non financial firms on IDX in 2008-2013. Founding family blockholder are negative not significantly affect firm performance in Tobin?s Q and ROA than non family blockholder with same characteristic of the firm. Age affect Tobins Q significantly, size and growth affect ROA significantly. Non family blockholder firms have more profitability and valuation than founding family blockholder with same characteristic of the firm.
;This research investigates the impact of family blockholder toward firm performance in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), controlled by size, age, and growth. This research use ordinary least square (OLS) method in 120 non financial firms on IDX in 2008-2013. Founding family blockholder are negative not significantly affect firm performance in Tobin?s Q and ROA than non family blockholder with same characteristic of the firm. Age affect Tobins Q significantly, size and growth affect ROA significantly. Non family blockholder firms have more profitability and valuation than founding family blockholder with same characteristic of the firm.
, This research investigates the impact of family blockholder toward firm performance in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), controlled by size, age, and growth. This research use ordinary least square (OLS) method in 120 non financial firms on IDX in 2008-2013. Founding family blockholder are negative not significantly affect firm performance in Tobin’s Q and ROA than non family blockholder with same characteristic of the firm. Age affect Tobins Q significantly, size and growth affect ROA significantly. Non family blockholder firms have more profitability and valuation than founding family blockholder with same characteristic of the firm.