[Skripsi ini membahas pandangan kritis Majalah Trubus mengenai modernisasi pertanian pada masa Orde Baru. Modernisasi pertanian tersebut mencakup tiga kebijakan diantaranya intensifikasi, ekstensifikasi dan mekanisasi pertanian. Majalah Trubus memandang bahwa modernisasi pertanian tersebut memang sudah berhasil mengantarkan Indonesia berswasembada beras pada tahun 1984, namun sayangnya beberapa hal tidak diperhatikan oleh pemerintah sebagai pihak yang mengeluarkan kebijakan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, skripsi ini menampilkan pandangan Trubus di dalam rubrik pertaniannya terhadap kebijakan modernisasi pertanian tersebut.
;This thesis discusses a critical Trubus Magazine about agricultural modernization in New Order Era. The agricultural modernization includes three policies including intensification, extensification and agricultural mechanization. Trubus magazine considers that agricultural modernization is already successfully delivering Indonesia to self-sufficient in rice in 1984, but unfortunately some things are not considered by the government as the party that issued the policy. Therefore, this thesis showing the view of Trubus in agricultural?s rubric against policies of agricultural modernization.
;This thesis discusses a critical Trubus Magazine about agricultural modernization in New Order Era. The agricultural modernization includes three policies including intensification, extensification and agricultural mechanization. Trubus magazine considers that agricultural modernization is already successfully delivering Indonesia to self-sufficient in rice in 1984, but unfortunately some things are not considered by the government as the party that issued the policy. Therefore, this thesis showing the view of Trubus in agricultural?s rubric against policies of agricultural modernization.
, This thesis discusses a critical Trubus Magazine about agricultural modernization in New Order Era. The agricultural modernization includes three policies including intensification, extensification and agricultural mechanization. Trubus magazine considers that agricultural modernization is already successfully delivering Indonesia to self-sufficient in rice in 1984, but unfortunately some things are not considered by the government as the party that issued the policy. Therefore, this thesis showing the view of Trubus in agricultural’s rubric against policies of agricultural modernization.