ABSTRAKBanyak perusahaan besar yang berangsur tenggelam dalam industri
karena tersandung masalah inovasi dan adaptasi seperti Blockbuster, Dell,
Motorola, Sony, dan Yahoo. Teori consumer innovativeness dan disruptive
innovation mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan karakteristik pada early
adopter dalam jenis inovasi yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa early
adopter inovasi disruptive memiliki product knowledge lebih besar daripada early
adopter inovasi sustaining. Selain itu monetary resource terbukti memberi
pengaruh moderasi antara hubungan intention terhadap actual adoption. Dengan
memahami pengaruh jenis inovasi pada tingkat pembelian produk baru,
diharapkan manajer dapat mengambil keputusan yang lebih tepat dalam proses
pengembangan produk baru.
ABSTRACTMany of big company such as Blockbuster, Dell, Motorola, Sony, and Yahoo
move toward the end of their business. Such phenomenon happens because they
cannot adapt and follow the disruptive changes in the market. Consumer
innovativeness and disruptive innovation theories implied that each early adopter
of different types of innovation have different characteristics. This research found
that early adopters of disruptive innovation possess deeper knowledge in related
product domain. Moreover, monetary resource proved to moderates the
relationship of intention to adoption. Understanding the effect of innovation types
towards actual adoption of new product provides manager better information
during the product development decision making.