ABSTRAKSkripsi ini membahas mengenai pengaturan sewa guna-usaha dengan objek kapal
di Indonesia serta dampak tidak diratifikasinya Konvensi Penahanan Kapal
(Arrest of Ships) terhadap Lessor (Perusahaan Pembiahyaan Dalam Negeri) dan
pengaruhnya terhadap perjanjian sewa guna-usaha. Penulis memperoleh
kesimpulan bahwa dengan tidak diratifikasinya konvensi tersebut memiliki
dampak yang cukup signifikan kepada Lessor serta berpengaruh terhadap kegiatan
pembiayaan kapal melalui sewa guna-usaha di Indonesia. Ratifikasi atas Konvensi
Penahanan Kapal merupakan suatu aspek legal dalam pembiayaan kapal melalui
sewa guna-usaha, namun hingga saat ini ratifikasi atas konvensi tersebut masih
belum terlaksana.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discussed the regulation of the leasing of ship as well as the impact to
the Lessor (National Finance Company) regarding to the Convention on the Arrest
of Ships which has not been ratificated and the effect to the lease contract. Author
concluded that ratification of the Convention on Arrest of Ships which has not
been carried out since today have a significant impact to the Lessor as well as
effects the transaction of ship financing through leasing in Indonesia. Ratification
of the Convention on the Arrest of Ships plays as an important role as one the
legal aspect in ship financing through leasing, but until today the ratification of
the convention mentioned has not been carried out.