ABSTRAKPenelitian ini ingin melihat bagaimana salah satu media independen di Indonesia,
yaitu Tempo, melakukan perubahan konvergensi pada ruang berita mereka.
Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana
budaya ruang berita Tempo berperan dalam perubahan tersebut. Peneliti
mengumpulkan data melalui wawancara mendalam pada delapan informan dan
observasi selama 4 minggu. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa nilai-nilai budaya
yang melandasi Newsroom Culture di Tempo tertanam pada asas jurnalisme
Tempo. Nilai-nilai budaya tersebutlah yang membentuk Constructive Newsroom
Culture di Tempo dan membuat Tempo bertahan dari perubahan ke perubahan
ABSTRACTThis research seeks to find out how one of Indonesia?s independent media,
Tempo, performs changes in order to establish a convergence newsroom. Using
an ethnographic method, this study explores how Tempo?s newsroom culture is
taking part during the changes through a four week observation and eight in-depth
interviews with the newsroom personnels. This research has found that Tempo?s
newsroom culture has its values rooted on its journalism principles which was
written on the magazine?s first edition in 1971. These values?namely,
egalitarianism and pluralism?have been the epitome of Tempo?s everyday
practices for more than 40 years. These values also shaped Tempo?s culture into a
Constructive one, which is?and has always been?the key to Tempo?s survival
in facing many changes.