[Kode etis dalam corporate governance sebuah perusahaan adalah aspek paling
penting bagi profesi Akuntan. Tesis ini membahas tentang bagaimana Klub
Sepakbola mengatur tata kelola perusahaan sehingga berjalan sesuai dengan kodekode
yang ada. Saya akan menjelaskan kode apa saja yang seharusnya Klub
aplikasikan kepada perusahaan. Tesis ini akan menjelaskan tentang bagaimana Klub
mengelola pemainnya dan adanya beberapa masalah pelanggaran kode etis yang
dialami oleh Klub.;Ethic codes in corporate governance is a very essential aspect, especially for those
who are in Accounting field. This assignment discusses about the influence of
corporate governance in National Rugby League and Australian Football League. I
will explain the codes that should be applied to the company. This assignment also
examines about how National Rugby League and Australian Football League govern
its company structure as well as members and players and how they breach certain
codes of ethics.;Ethic codes in corporate governance is a very essential aspect, especially for those
who are in Accounting field. This assignment discusses about the influence of
corporate governance in National Rugby League and Australian Football League. I
will explain the codes that should be applied to the company. This assignment also
examines about how National Rugby League and Australian Football League govern
its company structure as well as members and players and how they breach certain
codes of ethics.;Ethic codes in corporate governance is a very essential aspect, especially for those
who are in Accounting field. This assignment discusses about the influence of
corporate governance in National Rugby League and Australian Football League. I
will explain the codes that should be applied to the company. This assignment also
examines about how National Rugby League and Australian Football League govern
its company structure as well as members and players and how they breach certain
codes of ethics., Ethic codes in corporate governance is a very essential aspect, especially for those
who are in Accounting field. This assignment discusses about the influence of
corporate governance in National Rugby League and Australian Football League. I
will explain the codes that should be applied to the company. This assignment also
examines about how National Rugby League and Australian Football League govern
its company structure as well as members and players and how they breach certain
codes of ethics.]