ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui bagaimana kesesuaian strategi persuasi dari sisi produsen dengan pendapat konsumen remaja terhadap strategi tersebut, yang bertujuan menanamkan nilai-nilai antikorupsi kepada remaja di lingkungan pendidikan melalui media film edukasi berjudul “Cerita Kami”. Strategi persuasi yang dilakukan oleh produsen dan penerimaan oleh konsumen menggunakan teori persuasi Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). Teori ini menjelaskan dua jalur persuasi dalam diri individu ketika memproses informasi yang diterima, yaitu melalui jalur sentral dan jalur periferal. Persuasi melalui jalur sentral menyentuh unsur motivasi dan kemampuan remaja, sedangkan jalur periferal disentuh melalui enam teknik persuasi Robert B. Cialdini yang meliputi unsur reciprocation, commitment and consistency, social proof, liking, authority, dan scarcity. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan paradigma post-positivis dengan pendekatan kualitatif, melalui wawancara mendalam kepada para narasumber dari tim produsen film serta focus group discussion dengan para penonton remaja di tingkat SMK dan Universitas di wilayah Jabodetabek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa unsur-unsur persuasi dalam film yang ditampilkan secara jelas, lengkap dan saling berkesinambungan melalui jalur sentral dan periferal, terbukti dapat ditangkap khalayak remaja secara baik sesuai dengan keinginan produsen film. Persuasi melalui jalur periferal berperan mendukung persuasi yang diberikan melalui jalur sentral dengan menyentuh aspek pemikiran kritis maupun emosional khalayak remaja dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai antikorupsi.
ABSTRACTThis research was conducted to evaluate the suitability of persuasion strategies from film producer and audience opinion that aim to deliver anticorruption values to adolescent segment in education field through a film of “Cerita Kami”. Persuasion strategies in this film were analyzed by persuasion theory of Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). This theory states that there are two routes in every individual to process information, which are central and peripheral routes. Persuasions delivered through central route covers motivation and ability of audience, while peripheral route is consisted of six techniques of Robert Cialdini’s persuasion which are reciprocation, commitment and consistency, social proof, authority, and scarcity. The study implemented post positivism paradigm with qualitative method through in-depth interviews and implementation of focus group discussion to film viewers from high school and college students in Jabodetabek area. The results showed that elements of persuasion in a movie that shown continually in clear and complete performances using both central and peripherals routes were proved to be well accepted by adolescent audience. Persuasion delivered through a peripheral route will support persuasion given through a central route. Both had significant roles to influence critical thinking and emotional aspects of adolescent audience to deliver values of anticorruption.