ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas identitas nasional yang terdapat dalam naskah teks sejarah
perumusan dasar negara Pancasila tentang sistem tanda dan makna yang terdapat
dalam naskah tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain
deskriptif. Dengan menggunakan analisis semiotika Peirce, dapat disimpulkan
bahwa makna yang didapatkan dari perumusan naskah tersebut menunjukkan
proses komunikasi menggunakan sistem tanda yang saling mendukung satu sama
lain. Proses pembangkitan makna dalam persidangan yang berlangsung
menghasilkan rumusan Pancasila yang disepakati sebagai dasar Indonesia
Merdeka, dan menjadi simbol identitas nasional. Penelitian ini memiliki implikasi
teoritis yang membedah naskah sejarah ke dalam level teks untuk kemudian
dianalisis proses semiosisnya dalam beberapa tahap dan menginterpretasikan
tanda tersebut ke dalam suatu pemaknaan tanda yang saling menguatkan.
Penelitian ini memberi rekomendasi bagi akademisi yang tertarik untuk mengkaji
naskah teks sejarah Indonesia yang menjadi konsensus nasional dengan
memperhatikan proses perumusan dan penyusunannya sehingga menjadi refleksi
dalam mengatasi permasalahan bangsa.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discuss national identity contained in the manuscript of the text the
history of the state basic formulation of Pancasila about system of signs and
meanings that was found in the manuscript. This research is the qualitative study
with the design descriptive. Using the Peirce semiotics analysis, it can be
concluded that meaning obtained from the formulation of a manuscript is
indicated processes of communication using system of signs of mutual support
each other. The process of the generation of meaning in meetings that produce
synthesis Pancasila agreed as the basis of Indonesia became independent, and
become a symbol of national identity. This research have an implication
theoretical that dissected manuscript the history into the level of the text, then
analyzed the process of semiosis in several stages and interpret the signs into a
meanings of which corroborate. This research give recommendations for
academics who are interested to study the manuscript of the text Indonesian
history becomes national consensus by observing the process of formulation and
its compilation becomes a reflection in solving the nation problems.;This thesis discuss national identity contained in the manuscript of the text the
history of the state basic formulation of Pancasila about system of signs and
meanings that was found in the manuscript. This research is the qualitative study
with the design descriptive. Using the Peirce semiotics analysis, it can be
concluded that meaning obtained from the formulation of a manuscript is
indicated processes of communication using system of signs of mutual support
each other. The process of the generation of meaning in meetings that produce
synthesis Pancasila agreed as the basis of Indonesia became independent, and
become a symbol of national identity. This research have an implication
theoretical that dissected manuscript the history into the level of the text, then
analyzed the process of semiosis in several stages and interpret the signs into a
meanings of which corroborate. This research give recommendations for
academics who are interested to study the manuscript of the text Indonesian
history becomes national consensus by observing the process of formulation and
its compilation becomes a reflection in solving the nation problems.;This thesis discuss national identity contained in the manuscript of the text the
history of the state basic formulation of Pancasila about system of signs and
meanings that was found in the manuscript. This research is the qualitative study
with the design descriptive. Using the Peirce semiotics analysis, it can be
concluded that meaning obtained from the formulation of a manuscript is
indicated processes of communication using system of signs of mutual support
each other. The process of the generation of meaning in meetings that produce
synthesis Pancasila agreed as the basis of Indonesia became independent, and
become a symbol of national identity. This research have an implication
theoretical that dissected manuscript the history into the level of the text, then
analyzed the process of semiosis in several stages and interpret the signs into a
meanings of which corroborate. This research give recommendations for
academics who are interested to study the manuscript of the text Indonesian
history becomes national consensus by observing the process of formulation and
its compilation becomes a reflection in solving the nation problems., This thesis discuss national identity contained in the manuscript of the text the
history of the state basic formulation of Pancasila about system of signs and
meanings that was found in the manuscript. This research is the qualitative study
with the design descriptive. Using the Peirce semiotics analysis, it can be
concluded that meaning obtained from the formulation of a manuscript is
indicated processes of communication using system of signs of mutual support
each other. The process of the generation of meaning in meetings that produce
synthesis Pancasila agreed as the basis of Indonesia became independent, and
become a symbol of national identity. This research have an implication
theoretical that dissected manuscript the history into the level of the text, then
analyzed the process of semiosis in several stages and interpret the signs into a
meanings of which corroborate. This research give recommendations for
academics who are interested to study the manuscript of the text Indonesian
history becomes national consensus by observing the process of formulation and
its compilation becomes a reflection in solving the nation problems.]