[Tesis ini dilatarbelakangi pada masih minimnya organisasi atau perusahaan yang memiliki perencanaan keberlangsungan bisnis yang terarah pasca bencana/insiden. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemenuhan aspek business continuity plan dalam upaya pengembangan program pencegahan, mitigasi, dan pemulihan saat dan
pasca bencana/insiden di Industri Manufaktur PT. XYZ berdasarkan Standar National Fire Protection Association 1600 : 2013. Penelitian yang bersifat analitik dengan desain studi deskriptif ini menggunakan dua jenis data, yaitu pata primer yang didapatkan melalui wawancara dan observasi, serta data skunder melalui telaah dokumen. Penelitian
ini akan menghasilkan gambaran pemenuhan aspek business continuity plan melalui hasil penilaian potensi risiko dan analisis dampak bisnis yang akan digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pengembangan program-program untuk mencegah dan mengurangi dampak serta pemulihan pasca bencana.;Background of the thesis because of low number of organizations or companies that have post disaster/incident business continuity plan. The purpose of this study is to determine compliance of business continuity plan in developing prevention, mitigation, and
recovery during and post disaster/incident at Manufacturing Industry PT. XYZ based on National Fire Protection Association 1600 : 2013. Analytic and descriptive design study used on this research by using two types of data as follows primary data through interviews and observations, and secondary data through document analysis. This
research will describe the fulfillment aspects of business continuity plan based on result of risk assessment and business impact analysis that will be used for developing programme to prevent, mitigate, and recover condition post disaster/incident., Background of the thesis because of low number of organizations or companies that have
post disaster/incident business continuity plan. The purpose of this study is to determine
compliance of business continuity plan in developing prevention, mitigation, and
recovery during and post disaster/incident at Manufacturing Industry PT. XYZ based on
National Fire Protection Association 1600 : 2013. Analytic and descriptive design study
used on this research by using two types of data as follows primary data through
interviews and observations, and secondary data through document analysis. This
research will describe the fulfillment aspects of business continuity plan based on result
of risk assessment and business impact analysis that will be used for developing
programme to prevent, mitigate, and recover condition post disaster/incident]