ABSTRAKPertumbuhan jumlah penduduk di Indonesia turut pula meningkatnya kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap layanan kesehatan, sehingga jika layanan kesehatan bertambah maka limbah medis juga meningkat. Dampak dari pengelolaan limbah medis yang tidak terkelola adalah timbulnya pencemaran air, darat dan udara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pemilihan alternatif menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Riset dilakukan pada 4 unit Puskesmas dan 4 unit Posyandu yang disebut Layanan Kesehatan Pemerintah (LKP), 2 orang expert dari Dinas Kesehatan dan Badan Pengelola Lingkungan Hidup (BPLH) Kota Bekasi, 2 orang expert dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, dan 1 orang praktisi di bidang pengelolaan limbah medis. Berdasarkan hasil riset, jumlah limbah medis masing-masing LKP adalah rata-rata 2 kg/hari, karakteristik limbah medis sebanyak 100% terdiri atas limbah benda tajam dan farmasi, serta komposisi limbah medis terdiri atas limbah jarum suntik, benda tajam, kapas, perban juga sebanyak 100%. Terkait penanganan limbah medis bahwa belum ada satupun puskesmas dan posyandu yang memiliki dokumen lingkungan hidup. Alternatif pengelolaan limbah medis yang diperoleh melalui AHP adalah pembangunan insinerator utama oleh Pemerintah Kota Bekasi sebagai prioritas utama dengan nilai bobot 0,430.
ABSTRACTThe growth of population in Indonesia was also the increasing needs of the community with respect to health services, increased health services so that if the medical waste is also increasing. The impact of medical waste management unmanaged is the incidence of pollution of water, land and air. This research used a qualitative approach and descriptive research method. Alternative selection using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Research conducted on 4 Puskesmas, 4 Posyandu it called Health Services of Government (LKP 2 expert from the Department of Health and Environmental Management (BPLH) at Bekasi City, 2 expert from Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and1 person who related to waste management practitioners. Based on the results of research, the amount of medical waste each LKP is the average ± 2 kg/day, the characteristics of medical waste by as much as 100% consists of sharps waste and pharmaceuticals, as well as the composition of the medical waste consists of waste syringes, sharps, cotton, bandages also much as 100%. Relating to the medical waste management that there is no one puskesmas and posyandu have an Environment Document. Alternative waste management which was obtained through AHP are build an incinerator where of a main value weights priority in Bekasi as 0,430., The growth of population in Indonesia was also the increasing needs of the community with respect to health services, increased health services so that if the medical waste is also increasing. The impact of medical waste management unmanaged is the incidence of pollution of water, land and air. This research used a qualitative approach and descriptive research method. Alternative selection using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Research conducted on 4 Puskesmas, 4 Posyandu it called Health Services of Government (LKP 2 expert from the Department of Health and Environmental Management (BPLH) at Bekasi City, 2 expert from Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and1 person who related to waste management practitioners. Based on the results of research, the amount of medical waste each LKP is the average ± 2 kg/day, the characteristics of medical waste by as much as 100% consists of sharps waste and pharmaceuticals, as well as the composition of the medical waste consists of waste syringes, sharps, cotton, bandages also much as 100%. Relating to the medical waste management that there is no one puskesmas and posyandu have an Environment Document. Alternative waste management which was obtained through AHP are build an incinerator where of a main value weights priority in Bekasi as 0,430.]