[Penelitian tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis problematika hukum
pengaturan penyelesaian sengketa dan perselisihan hasil pemilihan umum oleh
kekuasaan kehakiman di Indonesia dan kemudian merumuskan ulang formula
pengaturan yang berbasis electoral justice system. Hasil Penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa problematika hukum dimaksud diantaranya berkaitan dengan
miskonsepsi tentang sengketa Pemilu dan perselisihan hasil Pemilu, desain
institusional bawaslu, hukum acara baik untuk penyelesaian sengketa Pemilu
maupun untuk perselisihan hasil Pemilu yang tidak kompatibel dengan
karakteristik Pemilu, dan ambiguitas tafsir mengenai kewenangan Mahkamah
Konstitusi dalam penyelesaian perselisihan hasil Pemilu. Problematika tersebut
dalam beberapa kasus telah melahirkan dualisme putusan pengadilan yang saling
bertentangan, sehingga mendistorsi prinsip negara hukum yang diamanatkan oleh
konstitusi. Oleh karena itu, pengaturan penyelesaian sengketa dan perselisihan
hasil pemilihan umum oleh kekuasaan kehakiman di Indonesia perlu
direformulasi berbasis pada prinsip-prinsip electoral justice system agar lebih
memberikan kepastian hukum bagi penyelenggaraan Pemilu di Indonesia.;The research aims to analyze the problems regarding the regulation of
electoral dispute and election result dispute settlement by judicial power in
Indonesia. The research also aims to reformulate the regulation of electoral
dispute and election result dispute settlement by judicial power in Indonesia based
on electoral justice system principles. This study found that the problems are
about the misconception concerning electoral dispute and election result dispute,
institutional design of Bawaslu, the procedural law for the settlement of electoral
disputes as well as for the election result dispute are not compatible with the
characteristics of the election, and the ambiguity of constitutional court’s
interpretation regarding its authority in the election result dispute settlement.
These problems in some cases led to the duality of conflicting court rulings, thus
distorting the rule of law as mandated by the constitution. Therefore, the
regulation of electoral dispute and election result dispute settlement by judicial
power in Indonesia needs to be reformulated based on electoral justice system
principles in order to embody legal certainty in the election process in Indonesia;The research aims to analyze the problems regarding the regulation of
electoral dispute and election result dispute settlement by judicial power in
Indonesia. The research also aims to reformulate the regulation of electoral
dispute and election result dispute settlement by judicial power in Indonesia based
on electoral justice system principles. This study found that the problems are
about the misconception concerning electoral dispute and election result dispute,
institutional design of Bawaslu, the procedural law for the settlement of electoral
disputes as well as for the election result dispute are not compatible with the
characteristics of the election, and the ambiguity of constitutional court’s
interpretation regarding its authority in the election result dispute settlement.
These problems in some cases led to the duality of conflicting court rulings, thus
distorting the rule of law as mandated by the constitution. Therefore, the
regulation of electoral dispute and election result dispute settlement by judicial
power in Indonesia needs to be reformulated based on electoral justice system
principles in order to embody legal certainty in the election process in Indonesia, The research aims to analyze the problems regarding the regulation of
electoral dispute and election result dispute settlement by judicial power in
Indonesia. The research also aims to reformulate the regulation of electoral
dispute and election result dispute settlement by judicial power in Indonesia based
on electoral justice system principles. This study found that the problems are
about the misconception concerning electoral dispute and election result dispute,
institutional design of Bawaslu, the procedural law for the settlement of electoral
disputes as well as for the election result dispute are not compatible with the
characteristics of the election, and the ambiguity of constitutional court’s
interpretation regarding its authority in the election result dispute settlement.
These problems in some cases led to the duality of conflicting court rulings, thus
distorting the rule of law as mandated by the constitution. Therefore, the
regulation of electoral dispute and election result dispute settlement by judicial
power in Indonesia needs to be reformulated based on electoral justice system
principles in order to embody legal certainty in the election process in Indonesia]