[Kompetisi dalam industri FMCG menuntut untuk adanya perubahan yang terus menerus dalam organisasi. Diperlukan kesiapan dalam individu dalam organisasi untuk dapat terus mengikuti perubahan. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi yang diinginkan. Tesis ini membahas mengenai variabel-variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap kesiapan individu dalam menghadapi perubahan dalam organisasi, yaitu self-efficacy dan kepemimpinan. Kesiapan individu untuk berubah diukur melalui skala sikap terhadap perubahan yang
dikembangkan oleh Dunham et al (1989). Hasil penelitian terhadap 30 orang karyawan yang bekerja pada PT XYZ menunjukkan bahwa self efficacy dan kepemimpinan partisipatif memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kesiapan individu untuk berubah. Tesis ini menyarankan rangkaian rancangan intervensi untuk meningkatkan kesiapan individu dalam menghadapi perubahan;Competition in the FMCG industry forces the organization to always change. The
individual readiness for change inside the organization is essential in order to achieve the organization goal. This thesis examined variables that influence the individual readiness for change. The variables are self-efficacy and leadership. Readiness for change was measured by attitude toward change scale which was developed by Dunham et al (1989). The result carried out among 30 employees from PT XYZ showed that self efficacy and participative leadership has positive
and significant correlation to readiness for change. This thesis proposes series of design intervention to increase individual readiness for change., Competition in the FMCG industry forces the organization to always change. The
individual readiness for change inside the organization is essential in order to
achieve the organization goal. This thesis examined variables that influence the
individual readiness for change. The variables are self-efficacy and leadership.
Readiness for change was measured by attitude toward change scale which was
developed by Dunham et al (1989). The result carried out among 30 employees
from PT XYZ showed that self efficacy and participative leadership has positive
and significant correlation to readiness for change. This thesis proposes series of
design intervention to increase individual readiness for change.]