ABSTRAKPrevalensi HIV pada penasun meningkat dari 27%(2009) menjadi 39,2% pada tahun 2013. Akan tetapi pada kelompok penasun konsistensi pemakaian kondom hanya 17%, Perilaku membeli seks mencapai 19% dan perilaku berbagi jarum suntik 22%. Penularan HIV pada pengguna narkoba suntik tidak hanya dari pemakaian jarum suntik bersama, tetapi bisa juga melalui hubungan seksual tanpa menggunakan kondom. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat model perilaku seks berisiko pada penasun di kota Tangerang, Pontianak, Samarinda dan Makassar tahun 2013. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah potong lintang dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 261 responden. Hasil analisis dengan GSEM memperlihatkan perilaku menyuntik dan pengetahuan secara langsung mempengaruhi perilaku seks berisiko (koef path = 0,24 dan 0,016). Secara tidak langsung pengetahuan juga dapat mempengaruhi perilaku seks berisiko (koef path = 0,019). Secara keseluruhan perilaku menyuntik memberikan pengaruh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan pengetahuan. Perilaku berbagi basah, berbagi jarum dan membeli NAPZA secara patungan (koef path = 3,5 ; 2,1 dan 1,8) merupakan faktor penting yang mempengaruhi perilaku seks berisiko. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan kerjasama lintas sektor dalam menjangkau kelompok penasun, pelayanan terpadu layanan alat suntik steril dan pemberian kondom bagi penasun merupakan langkah untuk mengurangi risiko penularan HIV /AIDS.
ABSTRACTHIV prevalence among injecting drug users increased from 27% (2009) to 39.2% in 2013. However, consistency of condom use is only 17% in the group of IDUs, buy sex reach 19% and needle sharing is 22%. Thus, HIV transmission in injecting drug users not only by needles, but it could be through sexual intercourse without using condom. This study was aims to looking the Sexual Risk Berhavior Model Among Injection Drug in Tangerang, Pontianak, Samarinda and Makassar in 2013. The study design using cross sectional with a sample of 261 respondents. The results of GSEM analysis showed that behavior of injecting and knowledge directly affect sexual risk behavior (koef path = 0.24 and 0.016). Indirectly, knowledge may also affect sexual risk behavior (koef path = 0.019). Overall behavior of injecting a greater influence than knowledge. Behavior of wet sharing, sharing of needles and drug purchase together (koef path = 3.5; 2.1 and 1.8) are important factors that affect sexual risk behavior. Therefore, we need cross-sector cooperation in reaching IDUs, integrated service of sterile needle program and condoms for IDUs as a program to reduce the risk of HIV / AIDS transmission., HIV prevalence among injecting drug users increased from 27% (2009) to 39.2% in 2013. However, consistency of condom use is only 17% in the group of IDUs, buy sex reach 19% and needle sharing is 22%. Thus, HIV transmission in injecting drug users not only by needles, but it could be through sexual intercourse without using condom. This study was aims to looking the Sexual Risk Berhavior Model Among Injection Drug in Tangerang, Pontianak, Samarinda and Makassar in 2013. The study design using cross sectional with a sample of 261 respondents. The results of GSEM analysis showed that behavior of injecting and knowledge directly affect sexual risk behavior (koef path = 0.24 and 0.016). Indirectly, knowledge may also affect sexual risk behavior (koef path = 0.019). Overall behavior of injecting a greater influence than knowledge. Behavior of wet sharing, sharing of needles and drug purchase together (koef path = 3.5; 2.1 and 1.8) are important factors that affect sexual risk behavior. Therefore, we need cross-sector cooperation in reaching IDUs, integrated service of sterile needle program and condoms for IDUs as a program to reduce the risk of HIV / AIDS transmission.]