Angka kecelakaan tingkat perusahaan masih cukup tinggi dan kematian masih terjadi. Iklim keselamatan belum terjadi bagi semua lapisan personil yang ada. Keselamatan kerja masih merupakan tanggung jawab petugas keselamatan kerja, bukannya disadari bahwa keselamatan merupakan tanggung jawab masingmasing personil yang terlibat aktivitas proyek. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengetahui gaya kepemimpinan dan kepemimpinan keselamatan kerja di proyek konstruksi bangunan PT. LKP serta membuat gambaran kepemimpinan transformasional yang secara teori berhubungan positif dengan iklim keselamatan di lokasi kerja, hal ini menyiratkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan dapat memainkan peran penting dalam mempromosikan iklim keselamatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 69 butir pertanyaan tertutup, yang terdiri dari 24 butir pernyataan aspek gaya kepemimpinan yang terdiri dari 2 dimensi mengacu pada MLQ dan 45 butir pernyataan aspek kepemimpinan keselamatan kerja yang terdiri dari 8 dimensi mengacu pada NOSACQ-50.
Hasil akhir penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua tingkat jabatan (manajer insinyur-pengawas) dan semua gaya kepemimpinan (transaksional transformasional) paretonya menunjukkan paling banyak memiliki dimensi kepemimpinan keselamatan kerja variabel to be a role model dan paling sedikit memiliki dimensi kepemimpinan keselamatan kerja variabel safety policy consistency. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan kontradiksi dengan konsep keselamatan kerja dimana kepatuhan, ketaatan dan disiplin adalah sesuatu yang tidak dapat ditawar. Pada dasarnya keselamatan kerja tidak memberi ruang fleksibilitas pada orang dalam organisasi untuk bertindak diluar kebijakan, prosedur, aturan yang telah ditetapkan. Hal ini menjadi salah satu dugaan / hipotesa mengapa di industri konstruksi pada umumnya dan di PT. LKP pada khususnya angka kecelakaan masih cukup tinggi.
Accident rate level on the company is still quite high and fatality that causing dead still occur. Safety climate has not happened for all levels of existing personnel. Safety is still the responsibility of the safety officer, instead of realizing that safety is the responsibility of each of the personnel involved in the project activities. This study tried to determine the leadership style and safety leadership in building construction projects PT. LKP and create a picture of transformational leadership which theoretically positively related to the safety climate in the workplace, this implies that the style of leadership can play an important role in promoting the safety climate. This study uses the 69 item closed questions, which consists of 24-point declaration aspect of leadership style that divided in to 2 dimension refers to MLQ and 45-point declaration aspects of safety leadership that divided in to 8 dimensions refer to NOSACQ-50.
The final results showed that all levels of positions (manager-engineersupervisor) and all the leadership style (transactional-transformational) show has the most is safety leadership dimensions variable to be a role model and at least have a dimension of safety leadership variables safety policy consistency. This study also demonstrates the contradiction with the concept of safety in which obedience, compliance and discipline is something that can not be compromised. Basically safety does not give flexibility space in people within the organization to act outside the policies, procedures, rules that have been set. This has become one of the alleged / hypotheses why in the construction industry in general and in PT. LKP in particular, the number of accidents is still high.;Accident rate level on the company is still quite high and fatality that causing dead still occur. Safety climate has not happened for all levels of existing personnel. Safety is still the responsibility of the safety officer, instead of realizing that safety is the responsibility of each of the personnel involved in the project activities.