[Puskesmas Muara Labuh mempunyai persentase TMDR relatif tinggi (71,1%) dan Puskesmas Talunan mempunyai persentase TMDR yang relatif rendah (15,1%). Berfokus pada dua puskesmas ini, penelitian ini mengevaluasi promkes TMDR dengan teori CDC dan Bowen dengan menganalisis stakeholder, uraian program, disain evaluasi, pengumpulan bukti yang kredibel, kesimpulan yang diambil dari evaluasi, serta sharing pembelajaran dari temuan evaluasi. Desain penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan kuesioner kader dan pelaksana promkes di puskesmas dan wawancara mendalam kepada stakeholders. Temuan penelitian ini adalah: 1. Keterlibatan wali nagari dan tokoh
masyarakat ternyata berperan penting dalam keberhasilan TMDR, 2. Belum semua stakeholder terlibat dalam promkes TMDR, 3. Sumber daya belum memadai untuk promkes TMDR, 4. Belum ada perencanaan khusus untuk kegiatan promkes TMDR, 5. Advokasi dan kemitraan terkait promkes TMDR belum pernah dilakukan, dan 6. Teori CDC dan Bowen (Canadian Institute of Health Research) dapat digunakan untuk
mengevaluasi program kesehatan. Disarankan agar disusun peran yang jelas dari wali nagari dan tokoh masyarakat untuk promkes TMDR, dibentuknya kebijakan lokal TMDR, dan menyususn indikator strategi promkes untuk TMDR;Puskesmas Muara Labuh shows high NSH percentage (71,1%) and Puskesmas Talunan has low NSH percentage (15,1%). Focusing on these two Puskesmas, this study evaluated
the health promotion program using on theories of CDC and Bowen (analysis of stakeholder, program implementation, evaluation design, evidence based data, highlights of evaluation and sharing of the evaluation findings). The study used quantitative and qualitative approach. The findings were: 1. The involvement of wali nagari and
community leaders play high role in the success of the activities of health promotion NSH, 2. Not yet all relevant stakeholders were involved, 3. Low resources, 4. Not specific plan for health promotion NSH, 5. Lack of advocacy on health promotion NSH, and 6. The theories of CDC and Bowen (Canadian Institute Of Health Research) could be
used for evaluating health program. It is recommended to create clear role of the wali nagari and community leaders, the need for local regulation on NSH and to create indicators to measure the achievements of the activities on NSH, Puskesmas Muara Labuh shows high NSH percentage (71,1%) and Puskesmas Talunan
has low NSH percentage (15,1%). Focusing on these two Puskesmas, this study evaluated
the health promotion program using on theories of CDC and Bowen (analysis of
stakeholder, program implementation, evaluation design, evidence based data, highlights
of evaluation and sharing of the evaluation findings). The study used quantitative and
qualitative approach. The findings were: 1. The involvement of wali nagari and
community leaders play high role in the success of the activities of health promotion
NSH, 2. Not yet all relevant stakeholders were involved, 3. Low resources, 4. Not
specific plan for health promotion NSH, 5. Lack of advocacy on health promotion NSH,
and 6. The theories of CDC and Bowen (Canadian Institute Of Health Research) could be
used for evaluating health program. It is recommended to create clear role of the wali
nagari and community leaders, the need for local regulation on NSH and to create
indicators to measure the achievements of the activities on NSH]