ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gangguan kesehatan terhadap penawaran kerja dan pendapatan rumah tangga, serta bagaimana peran penawaran kerja dalam mempertahankan konsumsi pangan rumah tangga tersebut. Dengan menggunakan data IFLS-East tahun 2012, ditemukan bahwa individu menurunkan penawaran kerjanya ketika mengalami gangguan kesehatan. Namun, penurunan penawaran kerja tersebut tidak secara langsung menurunkan pendapatan rumah tangga. Di sisi lain, terjadinya gangguan kesehatan secara langsung menurunkan pendapatan rumah tangga, khususnya bagi rumah tangga tidak memiliki jaminan kesehatan dan yang tidak mampu meningkatkan penawaran kerjanya. Dengan demikian, rumah tangga yang tidak mampu mempertahankan pendapatannya memiliki konsumsi pangan yang lebih rendah ketika mengalami gangguan kesehatan.
ABSTRACTThis research aims to find how health shock affect labor supply and household income, and affect the household?s food consumption recusively. Moreover, we also investigate the role of household labor supply in insuring the consumption. Using IFLS-East 2012 data, we find that health shock reduces individual?s labor supply, but this reduction does not directly lowers household income. On the other hand, health shock also lowers household income directly, especially for those who does not have health insurance and who can not adjust their labor supply. Therefore, household that fail to insure their income will face a reduction in their food consumption.;This research aims to find how health shock affect labor supply and household income, and affect the household?s food consumption recusively. Moreover, we also investigate the role of household labor supply in insuring the consumption. Using IFLS-East 2012 data, we find that health shock reduces individual?s labor supply, but this reduction does not directly lowers household income. On the other hand, health shock also lowers household income directly, especially for those who does not have health insurance and who can not adjust their labor supply. Therefore, household that fail to insure their income will face a reduction in their food consumption., This research aims to find how health shock affect labor supply and household income, and affect the household’s food consumption recusively. Moreover, we also investigate the role of household labor supply in insuring the consumption. Using IFLS-East 2012 data, we find that health shock reduces individual’s labor supply, but this reduction does not directly lowers household income. On the other hand, health shock also lowers household income directly, especially for those who does not have health insurance and who can not adjust their labor supply. Therefore, household that fail to insure their income will face a reduction in their food consumption.]