ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas intellectual capital disclosure yang dilakukan oleh
Perusahaan dapat mempengaruhi tingkat risiko yang diterima oleh para investor
yang berdampak terhadap tingkat pengembalian (required rate of return) yang
diharapkan oleh para investor atau cost of equity bagi perusahaan. Intellectual
capital disclosure diukur berdasarkan metode content analysis yang
dikembangkan oleh Li et al. (2008). Sedangkan cost of equity diukur dengan
metode Capital Asset Pricing Model. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan
bahwa pengungkapan intellectual capital memiliki pengaruh yang negatif
terhadap cost of equity perusahaan sehingga penelitian ini menyarankan agar
eksekutif perusahaan lebih banyak melakukan voluntary disclosure untuk
mengurangi informasi asimetris yang diterima oleh investor.
ABSTRACTThis thesis focuses on the how intellectual capital disclosure may affect perceived
risk by the investor thus it will impact to the required rate of return required by the
investor or Company?s cost of equity. Intellectual capital disclosure was measured
using content analysis method which was developed by Li et al. (2008). Cost of
equity was calculated using Capital Asset Pricing Model. The result from this
research showed that intellectual capital disclosure has a negative correlation with
Company?s cost of equity and suggestion to the Company?s executive to increase
voluntary disclosure to reduce asymmetrical information received by the
investors., This thesis focuses on the how intellectual capital disclosure may affect perceived
risk by the investor thus it will impact to the required rate of return required by the
investor or Company’s cost of equity. Intellectual capital disclosure was measured
using content analysis method which was developed by Li et al. (2008). Cost of
equity was calculated using Capital Asset Pricing Model. The result from this
research showed that intellectual capital disclosure has a negative correlation with
Company’s cost of equity and suggestion to the Company’s executive to increase
voluntary disclosure to reduce asymmetrical information received by the