ABSTRAKTesis ini menganalisis sikap Indonesia terhadap kebangkitan Tiongkok
sebagai super power dari perspektif hedging. Menurut teori hedging, kebangkitan
Tiongkok sebagai super power bukan semata-mata sebagai ancaman, melainkan
sebagai peluang untuk dikelola secara bilateral dan multilateral menggunakan tiga
pendekatan yaitu dengan strategi engagement, enmeshing, dan soft balancing.
Indonesia menggunakan strategi hedging dengan dasar pemikiran bahwa
strategi hedging menjadi strategi yang paling ideal untuk digunakan oleh
Indonesia karena masih sangat singkon dengan prinsip politik luar negeri bebas
aktif, sekaligus sebagai sebuah strategi yang dapat mengakomodasi kebutuhan
objektif Indonesia sebagai negara yang juga sedang bangkit.
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Indonesia menggunakan Strategi
hedging dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh keuntungan ekonomi, politik dan
militer dari Tiongkok yang bangkit sebagai super power, tetapi juga untuk
menciptakan keseimbangan yang ideal di kawasan, sehingga Indonesia tidak
didominasi oleh kekuatan manapun baik dari Amerika Serikat ataupun dari
Tiongkok. Strategi ini digunakan oleh Indonesia dengan maksud untuk
meningkatkan posisi tawar (bargaining position) Indonesia di mata Tiongkok dan
di kancah politik dunia internasional.
ABSTRACTThe focus of this theses is to analyze Indonesia perspective towards the
Rise of China as a new super power from hedging perspective. Acording to the
theory, the Rise of China as a new super power is not only a threat but as an
opportunity for Indonesia to manage its relations to china through three approach:
engagement policy, enmeshing policy, and soft balancing.
Indonesia used hedging strategy because it fits well with Its national
interest, which may consist its international political principle, ?bebas aktif,? and
as a grand strategy which could accomodate Indonesia pragmatic needs.
This research concluded that Indonesia used hedging strategic to reap
benefits in economic, politic and military sector from China as a rising power. It
also create a balanced region with the U.S. down and the China up, and the
ASEAN stayed as the center of the region. This strategy also primarily used to
upgrade Indonesia bargaining position against the U.S., China, and international
community., The focus of this theses is to analyze Indonesia perspective towards the
Rise of China as a new super power from hedging perspective. Acording to the
theory, the Rise of China as a new super power is not only a threat but as an
opportunity for Indonesia to manage its relations to china through three approach:
engagement policy, enmeshing policy, and soft balancing.
Indonesia used hedging strategy because it fits well with Its national
interest, which may consist its international political principle, “bebas aktif,” and
as a grand strategy which could accomodate Indonesia pragmatic needs.
This research concluded that Indonesia used hedging strategic to reap
benefits in economic, politic and military sector from China as a rising power. It
also create a balanced region with the U.S. down and the China up, and the
ASEAN stayed as the center of the region. This strategy also primarily used to
upgrade Indonesia bargaining position against the U.S., China, and international