Tesis ini meneliti tentang pengaruh dari brand placement acceptance dan brand recall terhadap preference, purchase intention, consumer perceived value, dan loyalty. Dari keenam variabel tersebut, dibentuk dua model dengan target responden yang berbeda, yaitu responden bukan pengguna (non user) dan responden pengguna (user). Model non user untuk meneliti pengaruh brand placement acceptance dan brand recall terhadap preference dan purchase intention. Sedangkan untuk model user, diteliti mengenai pengaruh brand placement acceptance dan brand recall terhadap consumer perceived value dan loyalty. Data berasal dari responden usia muda, dimana 100 responden non user dan 130 responden user. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan bahwa brand placement acceptance berpengaruh terhadap brand recall, preference, consumer perceived value. Sedangkan brand recall berpengaruh terhadap preference, consumer perceived value, dan loyalty.
This thesis examines the effect of brand placement acceptance and brand recall on preference, purchase intention, consumer perceived value, and loyalty. From six variables, researcher formed two models for different respondent, that is no user and user. Non user model examines the effect of brand placement acceptance and brand recall on preference and purchase intention. User model examines the effect of brand placement acceptance and brand recall on consumer perceived value and loyalty. Data were obtained from young respondents, whereas 100 non user respondents and 130 user respondents. The result of this study showed that brand placement acceptance have direct influence on brand recall, preference, consumer perceived value. Then brand recall have direct influence on consumer perceived value, and loyalty.