ABSTRAKMuseum saat ini bukan hanya tempat untuk menyimpan benda-benda yang
dianggap mempunyai sejarah dan disajikan begitu saja tanpa ada informasi yang
terkait dengan koleksinya akan tetapi bagaimana museum dapat memberikan
pengalaman serta pengetahuan kepada pengunjungnya, disamping itu bagaimana
museum sebagai tempat penyimpanan benda-benda yang antik serta memiliki
sejarah dapat menyajikan koleksinya yang dapat menggugah serta menumbuhkan
memori masyarakat yang dilayaninya.Tesis ini membahas tentang bagaimana
membangun memori kolektif di Museum Pos Indonesia Bandung yang sesuai
dengan New Museologi. Saat ini penyajian yang dilakukan di Museum Pos
Indonesia masih menganut pada konsep tradisional artinya museum masih
mengedepankan koleksi tanpa menguraikan informasi serta menggunakan media
pendukung lainnya, sehingga dengan menggunakan pendekatan new museum
dapat memberikan informasi dan dapat menumbuhkan dalam proses mengingat
atau membangun memori kepada pengunjung terkait dengan penyajian koleksi.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Museum Pos Indonesia dapat
menerapkan pada pameran tetapnya dengan menggunakan pendekatan
konstruktivis dan partisipatori, dimana Museum Pos Indonesia sebagai fasilitator
dalam memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman kepada pengunjung. Dalam
pameran tersebut nantinya akan mempunyai tema serta alur cerita. Pada pameran
tersebut nantinya selain akan memberikan pengalaman dan pengetahuan akan
dapat juga menumbuhkan atau membangun memori kolektif tentang perposan
yang pernah terjadi di Indonesia.
ABSTRACTNow a days museum is not only the place to keep objects, which have historical
background, and exhibit the objects without any information related to the objects.
Museum has to give experiences and knowledge to the visitors and exhibit the
objects in different ways to inspire and construct a collective memory to the
community its served. This research focuses on constructing memory collective in
accordance with new museology concept in Museum Pos Indonesia (Indonesian
Post Museum) at Bandung. Now, the exhibition at Museum Pos Indonesia still
using the traditional concept where the museum is object oriented without giving
information andusing any supporting media. The using of new museology concept,
in the exhibition, expected giving information that can rise in process of recall or
construct memories to the visitors. This research is using qualitative approach.
Museum Pos Indonesia can apply a constructivist and participatory exhibition
where the museum as the facilitator in giving knowledge and understanding to
visitors. The exhibition will have some themes and storyline. It is not only giving
experiences and knowledge, but also constructing memories about the Indonesian
post.Museum, Now a days museum is not only the place to keep objects, which have historical
background, and exhibit the objects without any information related to the objects.
Museum has to give experiences and knowledge to the visitors and exhibit the
objects in different ways to inspire and construct a collective memory to the
community its served. This research focuses on constructing memory collective in
accordance with new museology concept in Museum Pos Indonesia (Indonesian
Post Museum) at Bandung. Now, the exhibition at Museum Pos Indonesia still
using the traditional concept where the museum is object oriented without giving
information andusing any supporting media. The using of new museology concept,
in the exhibition, expected giving information that can rise in process of recall or
construct memories to the visitors. This research is using qualitative approach.
Museum Pos Indonesia can apply a constructivist and participatory exhibition
where the museum as the facilitator in giving knowledge and understanding to
visitors. The exhibition will have some themes and storyline. It is not only giving
experiences and knowledge, but also constructing memories about the Indonesian