ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari job characteristic dan perceived
organizational support terhadap employee engagement. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan
metode survei kuesioner. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap karyawan kantor pusat Perum
Perhutani yang berjumlah 186 orang. Analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda dan
aplikasi SPSS 22. Alat ukur yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah menggunakan job
diagnostic survey (JDS) yang dibuat oleh Hackman & Oldham (1975), Survey of Perceived
Organizational Support (SPOS) yang dibuat oleh Lynch, Eisenberger & Armeli (1999),
Utrecht Work Engagement Scale 9 (UWES-9) yang dikembangkan oleh Schaufeli & Bakker
(2003). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa job characteristic dan perceived organizational
support berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap employee engagement sebesar 25,4%. Hal ini
menunjukkan karakteristik pekerjaan dan dukungan organisasi dapat meningkatkan
keterikatan karyawan. Kemunculan karakteristik pekerjaan dirasakan melalui tingginya
persepsi karyawan atas variasi pekerjaan, identitas pekerjaan, signifikansi pekerjaan,
otonomi, dan umpan balik yang berdampak pada peningkatan keterikatan karyawan. Selain
itu, karyawan merasakan dukungan organisasi yang tinggi melalui perhatian perusahaan
kepada kesejahteraan karyawan dan melalui pemberian bantuan. Namun, kepedulian
organisasi kepada tujuan dan nilai-nilai pribadi karyawan serta perhatian perusahaan kepada
pendapat karyawan masih dirasa sedang.
ABSTRACTThis study is to analyze the effect of job characteristic and perceived organizational support
on employee engagement. The data were collected using questionnaire from 186 respondents.
Data analysis was conducted using multiple regression with SPSS 22. The instruments used
in the questionnaire are Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) by Hackman and Oldham (1975),
Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (SPOS) by Lynch, Eisenberger & Armeli (1999)
and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) by Schaufeli and Bakker (2003). The result
showed that job characteristic and perceived organizational support had significant impact on
employee engagement in the amount of 25,4%. This finding shows that the characteristics of
the work and support from the organizations will improve employee engagement. It shows
job characteristic and organizational support can increase employee engagement. The
emergence of job characteristics can be perceived through high employee perception on the
variation of work, job identity, job significance, autonomy, and feedback impact on
improving employee engagement. Besides, through the company's attention to the welfare of
employees and through the provision of assistance, employees sense that organizational
support is high. However, organizational concern to goals and personal values of employees
and also the company's attention to the opinion of employees are still considered moderate.;This study is to analyze the effect of job characteristic and perceived organizational support
on employee engagement. The data were collected using questionnaire from 186 respondents.
Data analysis was conducted using multiple regression with SPSS 22. The instruments used
in the questionnaire are Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) by Hackman and Oldham (1975),
Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (SPOS) by Lynch, Eisenberger & Armeli (1999)
and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) by Schaufeli and Bakker (2003). The result
showed that job characteristic and perceived organizational support had significant impact on
employee engagement in the amount of 25,4%. This finding shows that the characteristics of
the work and support from the organizations will improve employee engagement. It shows
job characteristic and organizational support can increase employee engagement. The
emergence of job characteristics can be perceived through high employee perception on the
variation of work, job identity, job significance, autonomy, and feedback impact on
improving employee engagement. Besides, through the company's attention to the welfare of
employees and through the provision of assistance, employees sense that organizational
support is high. However, organizational concern to goals and personal values of employees
and also the company's attention to the opinion of employees are still considered moderate., This study is to analyze the effect of job characteristic and perceived organizational support
on employee engagement. The data were collected using questionnaire from 186 respondents.
Data analysis was conducted using multiple regression with SPSS 22. The instruments used
in the questionnaire are Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) by Hackman and Oldham (1975),
Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (SPOS) by Lynch, Eisenberger & Armeli (1999)
and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) by Schaufeli and Bakker (2003). The result
showed that job characteristic and perceived organizational support had significant impact on
employee engagement in the amount of 25,4%. This finding shows that the characteristics of
the work and support from the organizations will improve employee engagement. It shows
job characteristic and organizational support can increase employee engagement. The
emergence of job characteristics can be perceived through high employee perception on the
variation of work, job identity, job significance, autonomy, and feedback impact on
improving employee engagement. Besides, through the company's attention to the welfare of
employees and through the provision of assistance, employees sense that organizational
support is high. However, organizational concern to goals and personal values of employees
and also the company's attention to the opinion of employees are still considered moderate.]