ABSTRAKInfark Miokard Akut dan lingkungan perawatan mempengaruhi kondisi fisik, psikologis dan sosial pasien. Penerapan perilaku caring dapat meningkatkan perubahan positif serta membangun kepercayaan dan kepuasan pasien beserta keluarganya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran pengalaman perawat dalam menerapkan perilaku caring pada pasien IMA di Unit Perawatan Intensif. Desain kualitatif fenomenologi dipilih untuk mendapatkan informasi yang mendalam dengan wawancara pada dua belas perawat yang ditentukan melalui teknik purposive. Content analisis Collaizi menghasilkan delapan tema yang terpola dalam fenomena spirit of caring, penerapan caring dan hambatan caring. Diharapkan adanya program untuk meningkatkan penerapan perilaku caring untuk menangani pasien dalam kondisi akut dan kritis;
ABSTRACTAcute Myocardial Infarction and the environment care affects physical conditions,
psychologis and social of the patient. The implementation of caring behavior can
increase positive changes and to build trust, satisfaction of patients with their
families too. The aims of this study was to explore the nurse?s experience in
applying caring behavior for patients with IMA at Intensive Care Unit. A
phenomenological qualitative design was chosen to obtain in-depth information
with interviews were conducted on twelve nurses were determined through
purposive technique. The content analysis Collaizi produced eight themes is
patterned in the phenomenon of spirit of caring, implementation of caring and
barriers caring implementation. Therefore expected the program to improve the
implementation caring behavior to treat with patients in acute and critical
conditions;Acute Myocardial Infarction and the environment care affects physical conditions,
psychologis and social of the patient. The implementation of caring behavior can
increase positive changes and to build trust, satisfaction of patients with their
families too. The aims of this study was to explore the nurse?s experience in
applying caring behavior for patients with IMA at Intensive Care Unit. A
phenomenological qualitative design was chosen to obtain in-depth information
with interviews were conducted on twelve nurses were determined through
purposive technique. The content analysis Collaizi produced eight themes is
patterned in the phenomenon of spirit of caring, implementation of caring and
barriers caring implementation. Therefore expected the program to improve the
implementation caring behavior to treat with patients in acute and critical
conditions;Acute Myocardial Infarction and the environment care affects physical conditions,
psychologis and social of the patient. The implementation of caring behavior can
increase positive changes and to build trust, satisfaction of patients with their
families too. The aims of this study was to explore the nurse?s experience in
applying caring behavior for patients with IMA at Intensive Care Unit. A
phenomenological qualitative design was chosen to obtain in-depth information
with interviews were conducted on twelve nurses were determined through
purposive technique. The content analysis Collaizi produced eight themes is
patterned in the phenomenon of spirit of caring, implementation of caring and
barriers caring implementation. Therefore expected the program to improve the
implementation caring behavior to treat with patients in acute and critical
conditions, Acute Myocardial Infarction and the environment care affects physical conditions,
psychologis and social of the patient. The implementation of caring behavior can
increase positive changes and to build trust, satisfaction of patients with their
families too. The aims of this study was to explore the nurse’s experience in
applying caring behavior for patients with IMA at Intensive Care Unit. A
phenomenological qualitative design was chosen to obtain in-depth information
with interviews were conducted on twelve nurses were determined through
purposive technique. The content analysis Collaizi produced eight themes is
patterned in the phenomenon of spirit of caring, implementation of caring and
barriers caring implementation. Therefore expected the program to improve the
implementation caring behavior to treat with patients in acute and critical