ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh pengalaman
menanam tanaman kehutanan dan pelatihan penanaman debitur di Kabupaten
Lampung Selatan terhadap persentase tumbuh tanaman sebagai bentuk
keberhasilan penanaman. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer survey debitur
BLU Pusat P2H di Kab. Lampung Selatan yang telah menerima pencairan
pinjaman Tahap 1, dengan analisis data menggunakan regresi Ordinary Least
Square (OLS).
Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa pengalaman menanam tanaman
kehutanan yang dimiliki debitur tidak berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan
penanaman. Hal ini disebabkan karakter debitur yang mangkir tidak mau
menanam yang beranggapan bahwa dana pinjaman merupakan dana hibah dan
proyek dari pemerintah, maraknya praktek percaloan dalam permohonan
pinjaman, penjualan lahan oleh debitur, adanya kemungkinan penyelewengan
penggunaan dana pinjaman untuk penggunaan lain selain menanam, dan serangan
hama penyakit tanaman untuk debitur yang benar-benar menanam.
Disamping itu, pelatihan penanaman debitur juga tidak berpengaruh
terhadap keberhasilan penanaman karena pelatihan yang diterima debitur baru
sebatas sosialisasi, bukan berupa pelatihan teknik aplikasi menanam di lapangan.
Monitoring BLU Pusat P2H terhadap debitur menjadi satu-satunya faktor yang
berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keberhasilan penanaman. Monitoring menjadikan
debitur merasa lebih terawasi dalam penggunaan dana pinjaman dan lebih
bertanggung jawab atas keberhasilan penanaman.
ABSTRACTThis study is aimed to identify the effect of borrowers experience and
training of forestry plants planting to the percentage of living plants as a proxy of
succesfull planting. Data used is pimary survey data from revolving funds (BLU
Pusat P2H) borrower in Lampung Selatan that has already received phase 1 loan
disbursement, and is analysed by using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression.
This study shows that experience did not have an effect on the success of
planting. This is due to the characteristic of the borrower who did not plant and
thought that the revolving fund is a kind of grant from government or government
project, the rampant practice of brokering in loan application process, the land
used for planting being sold by the borrower, the possibility of loan abused by
using it for other purposes other than planting, and the plant pest and desease for
borrowers who do plant.
Furthermore, training also did not have an effect to the success of planting,
because training received by borrowers limited to the socialization only and did
not deliver technical skill training on how to planting on the field.
Monitoring/supervision from BLU Pusat P2H to the borrower is the only
significant factor that influence the success of planting. Monitoring/supervision
makes borrowers fell better supervised in the use of loan funds and more
responsible to the success of planting, This study is aimed to identify the effect of borrowers experience and
training of forestry plants planting to the percentage of living plants as a proxy of
succesfull planting. Data used is pimary survey data from revolving funds (BLU
Pusat P2H) borrower in Lampung Selatan that has already received phase 1 loan
disbursement, and is analysed by using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression.
This study shows that experience did not have an effect on the success of
planting. This is due to the characteristic of the borrower who did not plant and
thought that the revolving fund is a kind of grant from government or government
project, the rampant practice of brokering in loan application process, the land
used for planting being sold by the borrower, the possibility of loan abused by
using it for other purposes other than planting, and the plant pest and desease for
borrowers who do plant.
Furthermore, training also did not have an effect to the success of planting,
because training received by borrowers limited to the socialization only and did
not deliver technical skill training on how to planting on the field.
Monitoring/supervision from BLU Pusat P2H to the borrower is the only
significant factor that influence the success of planting. Monitoring/supervision
makes borrowers fell better supervised in the use of loan funds and more
responsible to the success of planting]