ABSTRAKPelatihan Vokasional merupakan suatu rangkaian kegiatan pelatihan yang berpengaruh pada peningkatan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap yang diperlukan untuk suatu pekerjaan bagi penyandang disabilitas agar kompeten dalam dunia kerja dan memiliki dayasaing yang tinggi. Penelitian evaluasi ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan disajikan secara deskriptif sehingga dapat diketahui dan digambarkan dengan mudah apa yang terjadi dalam bidang penjahitan pelatihan mulai dari input, proses, dan output yang merupakan capaian hasil tujuan jangka pendek pelatihan vokasional bidang penjahitan angkatan XV tahun 2012 terhadap kompetensi alumni yang bekerja di Perusahaan X serta faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat pelatihan vokasional.
ABSTRACTVocational tranning is a series of tranning activities that affect the improvement of knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for employment for persons with disabilities to be competent in the world of work and have high competitiveness. The evaluation study conducted by qualitative approach and presented descriptively so that it can easily be identified described what is happening in the field of tailoring tranning ranging from input, process, output and outcome result are short-term goals of vocational tranning in tailoring force XV in 2012 competence alumni who work at company X as well as factors supporting and obstacles vocational tranning.
, Vocational tranning is a series of tranning activities that affect the improvement of knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for employment for persons with disabilities to be competent in the world of work and have high competitiveness. The evaluation study conducted by qualitative approach and presented descriptively so that it can easily be identified described what is happening in the field of tailoring tranning ranging from input, process, output and outcome result are short-term goals of vocational tranning in tailoring force XV in 2012 competence alumni who work at company X as well as factors supporting and obstacles vocational tranning.