ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat pengembalian investasi
pendidikan menengah antara sekolah menengah umum (SMA) dan sekolah
menengah kejuruan (SMK) dengan melakukan estimasi fungsi penghasilan
Mincer menggunakan metode two step Heckman. Proses pengolahan data diawali
dengan menganalisis probabilitas pilihan bersekolah anak dengan model
Multinomial Logit. Dari data Susenas 2013, ditemukan bahwa probabilitas pilihan
bersekolah di tingkat menengah meningkat jika individu mempunyai orang tua
dengan pendidikan tinggi dan memiliki pengeluaran rumah tangga yang tinggi.
Analisis return pendidikan antara lulusan SMA dan SMK menemukan bahwa
tingkat pengembalian investasi sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK) lebih tinggi
dibandingkan tingkat pengembalian investasi sekolah menengah umum (SMA).
ABSTRACTThis research aims to analyze rates of returns to secondary education between
General Secondary Education and Vocational Secondary Education by estimating
Mincerian Earnings Function using two step Heckman method. The data
processing starts by analyzing the probability of student school choice with
Multinomial Logit Models. From the data of Susenas in 2013, found that the
probability of school choice at the secondary level increases if the individual has a
parent with high education and high household expenditure. Analysis of
educational return between General Secondary Education and Vocational
Secondary Education graduates finds rates of returns to Vocational Secondary
Education is higher than General Secondary Education, This research aims to analyze rates of returns to secondary education between
General Secondary Education and Vocational Secondary Education by estimating
Mincerian Earnings Function using two step Heckman method. The data
processing starts by analyzing the probability of student school choice with
Multinomial Logit Models. From the data of Susenas in 2013, found that the
probability of school choice at the secondary level increases if the individual has a
parent with high education and high household expenditure. Analysis of
educational return between General Secondary Education and Vocational
Secondary Education graduates finds rates of returns to Vocational Secondary
Education is higher than General Secondary Education]