ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengenai pengelolaan tenaga kerja penyandang disabilitas
(Diversity Management) di PT. Trans Retail Indonesia. Dengan pendekatan
kualitatif, pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur, wawancara dan observasi.
Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan pemahaman perusahaan mengenai tenaga
kerja penyandang disabilitas, pelaksanaan pengadaan tenaga kerja,
pengembangan, pemberian balas jasa dan pemeliharaan tenaga kerja. Faktor
pendukung yang ditemukan yaitu kerjasama stakesholders, dukungan rekan kerja,
pendampingan serta konseling kerja. Sedangkan faktor penghambatnya yaitu
komunikasi, ketersediaan cabang, tenaga profesional dan produktivitas kerja
karyawan penyandang disabilitas. Meskipun demikian, perusahaan dianggap telah
memiliki modal yang cukup untuk menuju workplace inclusion yang terstruktur di
kemudian hari.
ABSTRACTThe focus of this study is the managing worker with disabilities as efforts to
achieve workplace inclusion in PT. Trans Retail Indonesia. This research used a
qualitative approach. While collecting data using literary studies, observation and
in-depth interview. The result shows the knowledge level of company on worker
with disabilities, the selection of employs, development of employs, the
compensation and the maintain of employs. Several key factors such as
stakesholders, associate support, mentoring and counseling. At the same time, the
obstacles are profesional worker, communication, and productivity of disabled
employs which lead to an attempt of firing. In spite of that, company has been
known to have what it takes to develop organized workplace inclusion in the
future., The focus of this study is the managing worker with disabilities as efforts to
achieve workplace inclusion in PT. Trans Retail Indonesia. This research used a
qualitative approach. While collecting data using literary studies, observation and
in-depth interview. The result shows the knowledge level of company on worker
with disabilities, the selection of employs, development of employs, the
compensation and the maintain of employs. Several key factors such as
stakesholders, associate support, mentoring and counseling. At the same time, the
obstacles are profesional worker, communication, and productivity of disabled
employs which lead to an attempt of firing. In spite of that, company has been
known to have what it takes to develop organized workplace inclusion in the