ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat kebehasilan dan mengukur benefit sistem informasi UMS yang telah diimplementasikan di gudang PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia. Penelitian menggunakan dua metode, pertama adalah dengan cara survei kepada pengguna sistem dan yang kedua adalah dengan mengukur cycle time, biaya, jumlah aktifitas proses, dan resiko. Metode pertama dilakukan dengan mengadaptasi model DeLone and McLean IS Success Model. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sistem informasi UMS sudah tergolong sistem yang sukses. Baik hasil analisis suvei maupun pengukuran benefit menunjukkan bahwa sistem informasi UMS mampu meningkatkan proses bisnis gudang PT IAMI.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to evaluate and measure success level and benefits of UMS which has been implemented at PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia warehouse department. This research used two methods, the first is analizing surveyed value which captured from UMS users. The second methods is measuring cycle time, cost, counts of process activity, and risks. First methods adapted DeLone and McLean IS Success Model. Based on research result, UMS is categorized as a success information system. Both methods show that UMS able to improve PT IAMI Warehouse Dept business process, The purpose of this research is to evaluate and measure success level and benefits of UMS which has been implemented at PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia warehouse department. This research used two methods, the first is analizing surveyed value which captured from UMS users. The second methods is measuring cycle time, cost, counts of process activity, and risks. First methods adapted DeLone and McLean IS Success Model. Based on research result, UMS is categorized as a success information system. Both methods show that UMS able to improve PT IAMI Warehouse Dept business process]