ABSTRAKPenelitian ini memiliki tujuan umum yaitu menganalisis gaya kepemimpinan
situasional pada level pengawas di PT. LCI khususnya pada proyek LTJO?The New
AEJ. Sehingga, dapat menjadi dasar pertimbangan dalam peningkatkan peran
kepempimpinan keselamatan di sektor konstruksi serta penerapan program Strive For
L.I.F.E leadership. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis
penelitian Rapid Assessment Procedures (RAP), yaitu teknik pengumpulan data
kualitatif untuk memperoleh gambaran atau informasi yang mendalam tentang gaya
kepemimpinan situasional pada level pengawas dalam penerapan program Strive For
L.I.F.E leadership di PT. LCI pada proyek LTJO?The New AEJ secara cepat.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan untuk menganalisis gaya kepemimpinan
situasional pada level pengawas terhadap perilaku keselamatan pekerja konstruksi
dalam penerapan program Strive For L.I.F.E leadership di PT. LCI khususnya pada
proyek LTJO-The New AEJ tahun 2015, yaitu gaya kepemimpinan mengarahkan
(directing) dan gaya kepemimpinan mendelegasikan (delegating).
ABSTRACTThis research has the common goal is to analyze the situational leadership model
at the supervisory level at PT. LCI, on LTJO-The New AEJ project. It can be a basic
consideration in enhancing the safety kepempimpinan role in the construction sector as
well as the application of Strive For LIFE program leadership. This study used a
qualitative research design to the type of research Rapid Assessment Procedures (RAP),
the qualitative data collection techniques to obtain a picture or in-depth information
about situational leadership model at the supervisor level in the implementation of
Strive For L.I.F.E leadership program at PT. LCI on LTJO project-The New AEJ
quickly. Based on the results of research conducted to analyze the situational leadership
style at the supervisory level to conduct safety of construction workers in application
Strive For LIFE leadership program at PT. LCI, on LTJO-The New AEJ 2015 project,
namely the direct leadership model (directing) and delegating leadership model
(delegating)., This research has the common goal is to analyze the situational leadership model
at the supervisory level at PT. LCI, on LTJO-The New AEJ project. It can be a basic
consideration in enhancing the safety kepempimpinan role in the construction sector as
well as the application of Strive For LIFE program leadership. This study used a
qualitative research design to the type of research Rapid Assessment Procedures (RAP),
the qualitative data collection techniques to obtain a picture or in-depth information
about situational leadership model at the supervisor level in the implementation of
Strive For L.I.F.E leadership program at PT. LCI on LTJO project-The New AEJ
quickly. Based on the results of research conducted to analyze the situational leadership
style at the supervisory level to conduct safety of construction workers in application
Strive For LIFE leadership program at PT. LCI, on LTJO-The New AEJ 2015 project,
namely the direct leadership model (directing) and delegating leadership model