ABSTRAKBank milik pemerintah daerah (BPD), didirikan dalam upaya membantu
mempercepat pembangunan daerah dimana BPD berada. BPD seharusnya dapat
menjadi preferensi utama masyarakat daerah dalam menggunakan jasa ? jasa
perbankan, karena biaya - biaya bunga yang ditanggung oleh BPD tidak sebesar
biaya ? biaya yang ditanggung oleh bank konvensional pada umumnya, sebagai
shareholder pemerintah daerah tidak perlu mengenakan bunga yang terlalu tinggi
mengingat pemerintah daerah juga akan mendapatkan bagian laba dari BPD, dan
sebagai implikasinya BPD dapat mengenakan bunga pinjaman yang tidak terlalu
tinggi kepada para pengusaha, sehingga diharapkan produk pinjaman BPD dapat
bersaing dengan produk pinjaman bank ? bank konvensional yang beroperasi
disekitarnya. Sedangkan BPD saat ini, masih tertarik untuk menepatkan dananya
pada surat berharga, sehingga fungsi intermediasi BPD menjadi semakin berkurang.
Tujuan yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah : Untuk mengukur pengaruh
penempatan dana oleh BPD terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah, Untuk
mengukur penyaluran kredit investasi oleh BPD terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi
daerah. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh Bank Pembangunan Daerah yang ada
diIndonesia. Berdasarkan data pada Bank Indonesia, jumlah Bank Pembangunan
Daerah perDesember 2013 sebanyak 26 bank. Jenis data yang akan digunakan
dalam penelitian ini bersifat data runtut waktu (timeseries) dari Januari 2009 sampai
dengan Desember 2013 Model yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
Dengan menggunakan data panel. Hasil penelitian tentang Analisis Dampak
Kepemilikan Surat Berharga oleh BPD Terhadap Pembangunan Daerah, Belanja
modal pemerintah, kredit produktif, pemilikan surat berharga oleh BPD
berpengaruh positif terhadap PDRB, dan signifikan mempengaruhi PDRB,
Angkatan kerja memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap PDRB, namun pengaruh
angkatan kerja tidak signifikan terhadap PDRB.
ABSTRACTLocal government-owned banks (BPD), was established in order to help accelerate
the development of the area where the BPD located. BPD should be a primary
preference in using the services of local communities - banking services, because
the costs - interest costs borne by BPD is not at cost - the cost of which is borne by
the conventional banks in general, as a shareholder of local governments do not
need to charge interest that is too high in view of government area will also get a
share of profits from the BPD, and by implication BPD may charge interest on the
loan is not too high to employers, so expect BPD loan products can compete with
bank loans - conventional banks operating nearby. While BPD today, is still keen
to match the funds in securities, so that the intermediation function BPD becomes
less and less. The expected goals of this study are: To measure the effect of the
placement of funds by BPD on regional economic growth, to measure investment
lending by BPD to regional economic growth. Population was all the existing
Regional Development Bank in Indonesia. Based on data from Bank Indonesia, the
number of regional development banks perDesember 2013 as many as 26 banks.
The type of data that will be used in this research is time series data (time series)
from January 2009 until December 2013 The model that will be used in this
research is the use of panel data. Results of research on Analysis of Impact of
Ownership of Securities by BPD Against Regional Development, government
capital spending, credit productive, ownership of securities by BPD positive effect
on GDP, and significantly affect GDP, labor force have a positive influence on the
GDP, but the effect was not significant workforce to GDP, Local government-owned banks (BPD), was established in order to help accelerate
the development of the area where the BPD located. BPD should be a primary
preference in using the services of local communities - banking services, because
the costs - interest costs borne by BPD is not at cost - the cost of which is borne by
the conventional banks in general, as a shareholder of local governments do not
need to charge interest that is too high in view of government area will also get a
share of profits from the BPD, and by implication BPD may charge interest on the
loan is not too high to employers, so expect BPD loan products can compete with
bank loans - conventional banks operating nearby. While BPD today, is still keen
to match the funds in securities, so that the intermediation function BPD becomes
less and less. The expected goals of this study are: To measure the effect of the
placement of funds by BPD on regional economic growth, to measure investment
lending by BPD to regional economic growth. Population was all the existing
Regional Development Bank in Indonesia. Based on data from Bank Indonesia, the
number of regional development banks perDesember 2013 as many as 26 banks.
The type of data that will be used in this research is time series data (time series)
from January 2009 until December 2013 The model that will be used in this
research is the use of panel data. Results of research on Analysis of Impact of
Ownership of Securities by BPD Against Regional Development, government
capital spending, credit productive, ownership of securities by BPD positive effect
on GDP, and significantly affect GDP, labor force have a positive influence on the
GDP, but the effect was not significant workforce to GDP]