ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kepuasan masyarakat
terhadap kinerja Suku Dinas Pariwisata Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur dalam
memberikan pelayanan perizinan usaha pariwisata, sehingga dapat diketahui
langkah perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan agar kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan
kepada masyarakat semakin meningkat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah
metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan mix method. Pengumpulan
data dilakukan dengan mengambil hasil pengisian kuesioner indeks kepuasan
masyarakat yang telah disebarkan oleh petugas loket Pelayanan Terpadu Satu
Pintu (PTSP) kepada masyarakat yang telah selesai mengurus izin usaha
pariwisata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan kinerja
pelayanan perizinan usaha pariwisata di instansi ini adalah baik dengan nilai
Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat 3,12. Namun demikian masih ada beberapa unsur
pelayanan yang perlu diperbaiki kualitas pelayanannya yaitu: kedisiplinan petugas
pelayanan, kecepatan petugas pelayanan, dan kepastian jadwal pelayanan. Untuk
memperbaiki unsur kedisiplinan petugas pelayanan dan unsur kepastian jadwal
pelayanan, maka instansi ini perlu melakukan penambahan jumlah SDM untuk
melayani masyarakat yang mengurus izin usaha pariwisata. Jika penambahan
jumlah SDM tidak memungkinkan, maka instansi ini perlu menerapkan sistem
pendaftaran TDUP secara online melalui website. Untuk memperbaiki unsur
kecepatan petugas pelayanan, maka instansi ini perlu menganggarkan dan
melaksanakan kegiatan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat mengenai persyaratan dan
prosedur dalam mengurus izin usaha pariwisata.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to determine public satisfaction on the performance of
Tourism Department of East Jakarta Local Government in providing permitting
services for tourism businesses. Therefore, they can see what improvements are
needed in order to increase the quality of public services provided. This is a
descriptive study using mix methods approach. Data are collected by taking the
results of the public satisfaction index questionnaires that has been distributed by
the One Stop Service Center (PTSP) to those who has completed the tourism
business permit administration. The results show that the overall performance of
tourism businesses? permitting services provided by the department can be
categorized as good with the value of 3.12 public satisfaction index. However,
there are some issues of service that need to be improved, such as discipline of
service officer, agility of service officer, and certainty of service schedule.
To improve discipline of service officer and certainty of service schedule, the
department needs to increase the amount of human resources providing permitting
services for tourism businesses. If the increase of the number of human resources
is not possible, then the department needs to implement a TDUP online
registration system through the website. To improve agility of service officer, then
the department needs to budget and conduct socialization to the public on the
requirements and procedures of tourism business permit administration, The purpose of this study is to determine public satisfaction on the performance of
Tourism Department of East Jakarta Local Government in providing permitting
services for tourism businesses. Therefore, they can see what improvements are
needed in order to increase the quality of public services provided. This is a
descriptive study using mix methods approach. Data are collected by taking the
results of the public satisfaction index questionnaires that has been distributed by
the One Stop Service Center (PTSP) to those who has completed the tourism
business permit administration. The results show that the overall performance of
tourism businesses’ permitting services provided by the department can be
categorized as good with the value of 3.12 public satisfaction index. However,
there are some issues of service that need to be improved, such as discipline of
service officer, agility of service officer, and certainty of service schedule.
To improve discipline of service officer and certainty of service schedule, the
department needs to increase the amount of human resources providing permitting
services for tourism businesses. If the increase of the number of human resources
is not possible, then the department needs to implement a TDUP online
registration system through the website. To improve agility of service officer, then
the department needs to budget and conduct socialization to the public on the
requirements and procedures of tourism business permit administration]