ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kondisi perekonomian
daerah terhadap aktivitas illegal logging di Pulau Jawa dengan menggunakan
metode analisis data panel. Metode estimasi yang digunakan adalah ordinary least
square (OLS) dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari Badan Pusat Statistik
(BPS) dan Perum Perhutani tahun 2007-2011 pada 80 kabupaten di Pulau Jawa.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kondisi perekonomian daerah berpengaruh
terhadap aktivitas illegal logging. Inflasi dan kemiskinan sebagai indikator
perekonomian daerah berpengaruh positif terhadap terjadinya illegal logging,
dengan pengertian lain bahwa kondisi perekonomian daerah yang kurang baik
dapat meningkatkan terjadinya illegal logging.
Sedangkan indikator perekonomian daerah lainnya yaitu tingkat
pengangguran, menunjukkan pengaruh yang negatif, hal ini dapat terjadinya
karena tingkat pengangguran yang tinggi berada pada daerah perkotaan,
sedangkan areal hutan berada pada daerah pedesaan. Selain itu para pelaku illegal
logging di Pulau Jawa pada umumnya adalah masyarakat desa yang memiliki
profesi, namun pada saat kondisi perekonomian memburuk, mereka mencari
tambahan pendapatan dari sektor ilegal.
ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the effect of regional economic conditions on
illegal logging in Java. The research used OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) as a
analysis methode and used secondary data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) and
Perum Perhutani, around 2007-2011 from 80 district in Java Island. The analysis
showed that regional economic conditions affected the illegal logging activities.
Inflation and poverty as an indicator of local economic showed positive effect on
illegal logging, which means the unfavorable economic conditions could increase
illegal logging.
Meanwhile, the others of economic indicators including the unemployment
rate showed a negative influence, it can be the occurrence because of the high
unemployment rates are in the urban areas, while forest areas are in the rural
areas. Eventhoug general case of illegal logging in Java done by rural community
who have a profession, but when the economic conditions were decreased, they
seek additional income on the illegal sector, This study aims to determine the effect of regional economic conditions on
illegal logging in Java. The research used OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) as a
analysis methode and used secondary data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) and
Perum Perhutani, around 2007-2011 from 80 district in Java Island. The analysis
showed that regional economic conditions affected the illegal logging activities.
Inflation and poverty as an indicator of local economic showed positive effect on
illegal logging, which means the unfavorable economic conditions could increase
illegal logging.
Meanwhile, the others of economic indicators including the unemployment
rate showed a negative influence, it can be the occurrence because of the high
unemployment rates are in the urban areas, while forest areas are in the rural
areas. Eventhoug general case of illegal logging in Java done by rural community
who have a profession, but when the economic conditions were decreased, they
seek additional income on the illegal sector]