ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan perancangan Sistem Informasi Telaah
untuk memantau proses telaah laporan hasil audit yang diterbitkan oleh
Perwakilan BPKP pada Deputi Bidang Investigasi BPKP. Penelitian ini adalah
penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa perlu
dirancang dan diterapkan Sistem Informasi Telaah (review) yang dapat
melaksanakan fungsi pemantauan atas proses telaah laporan hasil audit
investigasi, laporan hasil audit penghitungan kerugian keuangan negara, laporan
hasil audit klaim, dan laporan hasil audit penyesuaian harga secara cepat dan
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to design Review Information System to monitor
the process of review of audit reports issued by the BPKP representative in Deputi
Bidang Investigasi BPKP. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The
research concludes that need to be designed and implemented Review Information
Systems that can carry out the monitoring function on the review process of audit
report of investigative, audit report of the calculation of financial state losses,
audit report of claims, and audit report of price adjustments quickly and
accurately, The purpose of this research is to design Review Information System to monitor
the process of review of audit reports issued by the BPKP representative in Deputi
Bidang Investigasi BPKP. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The
research concludes that need to be designed and implemented Review Information
Systems that can carry out the monitoring function on the review process of audit
report of investigative, audit report of the calculation of financial state losses,
audit report of claims, and audit report of price adjustments quickly and