ABSTRAKTugas Karya Akhir ini membahas mengenai kebijakan Mandatory Sentencing Law
yang diberlakukan di Northern Territory, Australia dengan memberikan hukuman
wajib atau hukuman minimal bagi pelaku tindak kejahatan properti dengan melihat
dampaknya terhadap masyarakat Aborigin. Melalui model penelitian kualitatif,
penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak dari sebuah kebijakan terhadap
kelompok minoritas di Australia. Teori kebijakan publik oleh James E. Anderson
digunakan untuk menjelaskan dampak kebijakan publik terhadap kelompok
ABSTRACTThis thesis scrutinizes Mandatory Sentencing Law as public policy that enforced in
Northern Territory, Australia by giving fixed or minimum penalty to the property
offenders and see how its impact on indigenous people of Australia. Through a
qualitative research, this study aims to discover impact of public policy on minority
group in Australia. The public policy theory by James E. Anderson is the theory
which used in this thesis to explain the impact of public policy to minority group., This thesis scrutinizes Mandatory Sentencing Law as public policy that enforced in
Northern Territory, Australia by giving fixed or minimum penalty to the property
offenders and see how its impact on indigenous people of Australia. Through a
qualitative research, this study aims to discover impact of public policy on minority
group in Australia. The public policy theory by James E. Anderson is the theory
which used in this thesis to explain the impact of public policy to minority group.]