ABSTRAKLaporan magang ini membahas mengenai prosedur audit KAP RIO atas akun
penjualan dan piutang usaha PT MAR, perusahaan manufaktur yang
memproduksi kulit untuk keperluan otomotif dan furniture, untuk periode yang
berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2014. Secara lebih rinci, dibahas mengenai
kebijakan akuntansi, prosedur audit, temuan audit, serta analisis atas siklus
pendapatan dan piutang PT MAR dan proses audit KAP RIO. Berdasarkan hasil
proses audit, ditemukan jika pengakuan pendapatan PT MAR tidak sesuai dengan
PSAK 23, serta terdapat beberapa potensi kecurangan yang ditemukan dari proses
penjualan PT MAR, namun kebijakan akuntansi lainnya atas pendapatan dan
piutang usaha PT MAR telah sesuai dengan PSAK 23, 50, 55, dan 60, serta prosedur audit yang dijalankan tim audit KAP RIO telah sesuai dengan standar ISA yang berlaku.
ABSTRACTThis internship report explains the audit process of KAP RIO on revenue and
receivables cycle in PT MAR, a manufacture company producing leather for
automotive and furniture industry, for the period ended December 31
, 2014.
Furthermore, the report discusses the accounting policies, audit procedures, audit
findings and analysis of revenue and receivables cycle of PT MAR. Based on the
result of audit process, the revenue recognition of PT MAR is not in accordance
with PSAK 23. There are also several potential fraud from sales of PT MAR.
However, the other accounting policies on revenue and receivables of PT MAR
have been in accordance with PSAK 23, 50, 55, 60 and also audit procedures from KAP RIO have been in accordance with the applicable ISA standard. , This internship report explains the audit process of KAP RIO on revenue and
receivables cycle in PT MAR, a manufacture company producing leather for
automotive and furniture industry, for the period ended December 31
, 2014.
Furthermore, the report discusses the accounting policies, audit procedures, audit
findings and analysis of revenue and receivables cycle of PT MAR. Based on the
result of audit process, the revenue recognition of PT MAR is not in accordance
with PSAK 23. There are also several potential fraud from sales of PT MAR.
However, the other accounting policies on revenue and receivables of PT MAR
have been in accordance with PSAK 23, 50, 55, 60 and also audit procedures from KAP RIO have been in accordance with the applicable ISA standard. ]