ABSTRAKPikiran negative pada klien harga diri rendah kronik menyebabkan klien sulit berpikir jernih dan logis terhadap diri sendiri. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk memberikan gambaran pengaruh penerapan terapi pikiran perilaku dan psikoedukasi keluarga pada klien harga diri rendah kronik. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan teori adaptasi Roy dan model stres dan adaptasi Stuart. Tindakan keperawatan terapi pikiran perilaku diberikan pada 20 klien dimana 15 keluarga klien diberikan psikoedukasi keluarga. Hasil pelaksanaan terapi pikiran perilaku dan psikoedukasi pada klien menunjukan adanya penurunan tanda gejala pada aspek social dan perilaku serta peningkatan kemampuan keluarga dalam pemberian terapi psikofarmaka dan mengunkapkan pikiran negative yang lebih besar dibanding klien dan yang hanya mendapatkan terapi pikiran dan perilaku, Kombinasi terapi pikiran perilaku dan psikoedukasi keluarga dapat dijadikan standar terapi spesialis keperawatan jiwa.
ABSTRACTCognitive distortions in clients with chronic low self-esteem causes the client difficult to think clearly and logically against yourself. The purpose of writing is to provide an overview the effect of applying cognitive behavior therapy and family psychoeducation in clients with chronic low self-esteem. The method used is descriptive analytic approach Roy adaptation theory and models of stress and adaptation Stuart. Nursing actions cognitive behavior therapy given to 20 clients of which 15 families given client family psychoeducation. The results of the implementation of behavioral therapy and psychoeducation thoughts on the client shows signs of a decrease in the symptoms of social and behavioral aspects as well as improving the ability of the family in therapy cognitive distortions psikofarmaka and express larger than the client and is just getting the mind and behavior therapy, combination therapy thoughts and behavior family psychoeducation can be used as standard specialists therapy psychiatric nursing.;Cognitive distortions in clients with chronic low self-esteem causes the client difficult to think clearly and logically against yourself. The purpose of writing is to provide an overview the effect of applying cognitive behavior therapy and family psychoeducation in clients with chronic low self-esteem. The method used is descriptive analytic approach Roy adaptation theory and models of stress and adaptation Stuart. Nursing actions cognitive behavior therapy given to 20 clients of which 15 families given client family psychoeducation. The results of the implementation of behavioral therapy and psychoeducation thoughts on the client shows signs of a decrease in the symptoms of social and behavioral aspects as well as improving the ability of the family in therapy cognitive distortions psikofarmaka and express larger than the client and is just getting the mind and behavior therapy, combination therapy thoughts and behavior family psychoeducation can be used as standard specialists therapy psychiatric nursing.;Cognitive distortions in clients with chronic low self-esteem causes the client difficult to think clearly and logically against yourself. The purpose of writing is to provide an overview the effect of applying cognitive behavior therapy and family psychoeducation in clients with chronic low self-esteem. The method used is descriptive analytic approach Roy adaptation theory and models of stress and adaptation Stuart. Nursing actions cognitive behavior therapy given to 20 clients of which 15 families given client family psychoeducation. The results of the implementation of behavioral therapy and psychoeducation thoughts on the client shows signs of a decrease in the symptoms of social and behavioral aspects as well as improving the ability of the family in therapy cognitive distortions psikofarmaka and express larger than the client and is just getting the mind and behavior therapy, combination therapy thoughts and behavior family psychoeducation can be used as standard specialists therapy psychiatric nursing., Cognitive distortions in clients with chronic low self-esteem causes the client difficult to think clearly and logically against yourself. The purpose of writing is to provide an overview the effect of applying cognitive behavior therapy and family psychoeducation in clients with chronic low self-esteem. The method used is descriptive analytic approach Roy adaptation theory and models of stress and adaptation Stuart. Nursing actions cognitive behavior therapy given to 20 clients of which 15 families given client family psychoeducation. The results of the implementation of behavioral therapy and psychoeducation thoughts on the client shows signs of a decrease in the symptoms of social and behavioral aspects as well as improving the ability of the family in therapy cognitive distortions psikofarmaka and express larger than the client and is just getting the mind and behavior therapy, combination therapy thoughts and behavior family psychoeducation can be used as standard specialists therapy psychiatric nursing.]