ABSTRAKPerusahaan software berskala kecil atau Very Small Enterprise (VSE) memiliki
karekteristik yang berbeda dengan karakteristik perusahaan besar. Sebagai
perusahaan software kecil, maka kualitas software dan kelincahan dalam
memenuhi kebutuhan dari klien adalah kunci pemenangan kompetisi
dibandingkan dengan perusahaan software besar. Untuk memperbaiki kualitas
software yang dihasilkan perusahaan software kecil juga berupaya untuk
melakukan Software Process Improvement. Namun upaya ini tidaklah mudah,
karena perusahaan software kecil tidak memiliki sumber daya seperti perusahaan
software besar.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan strategi yang tepat pemilihan Software
Process Improvement untuk sebuah perusahaan software kecil. Berdasarkan pada
hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi Software Process
Improvement di perusahaan kecil dapat dilakukan dengan memilih fokus proses
area tertentu, dibantu dengan alat bantu yang terintegrasi dan didasarkan pada
implementasi ISO/IEC 29110.
ABSTRACTThe characteristic of Very Small Enterprise (VSE) software company, is
completely different with big company. For VSE, the quality of the software and
agility of accommodating client?s needs, is the key of winning the competition
againts large software company. To improve the software quality, VSE are keen
to implement Software Process Improvement. But those initiatives are not easy to
implement since the resources on VSE are not as abundant as large company
This research is intended to find a specific strategy for Software Process
Improvement in VSE Software Company. Based on the research result, Software
Process Improvement in VSE can be implemented based on certain focus of
process area, using an integrated tools and based on ISO/IEC 29110., The characteristic of Very Small Enterprise (VSE) software company, is
completely different with big company. For VSE, the quality of the software and
agility of accommodating client’s needs, is the key of winning the competition
againts large software company. To improve the software quality, VSE are keen
to implement Software Process Improvement. But those initiatives are not easy to
implement since the resources on VSE are not as abundant as large company
This research is intended to find a specific strategy for Software Process
Improvement in VSE Software Company. Based on the research result, Software
Process Improvement in VSE can be implemented based on certain focus of
process area, using an integrated tools and based on ISO/IEC 29110.]