ABSTRAK Tulisan ini membahas tentang makna dari tanda yang muncul dalam Iklan pariwisata Korea di Youtube
?Imagine Your Korea-The Movie?. Iklan ini adalah bagian dari kampanye global Korea Tourism Organization
yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran target khalayak akan daya tarik pariwisata Korea sehingga dapat
meningkatkan jumlah wisatawan mancanegara. Menggunakan pendekatan Semiotika sebagai metode analisis
oleh Charles Sanders Peirce, makna di balik tanda yang meliputi ikon, indeks, dan simbol diinterpretasi secara
mendalam melalui penjabaran tanda, objek, dan interpretan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap tanda
yang muncul dalam iklan tersebut memiliki makna yang berkaitan dengan target khalayak industri pariwisata
Korea, karakteristik warga Korea, ciri khas negara Korea, dan fenomena Korean Wave sebagai daya tarik
pariwisata Korea.
ABSTRACT This paper discusses about the meaning of signs that appear in South Korea?s tourism advertisement onYoutube ?Imagine Your Korea-The Movie?. This ads is a part of Korea Tourism Organization?s globalcampaign which objectives are to increase target audience?s awareness about the attractions of Korea?s tourismand to increase the numbers of foreign visitors. Using Semiotics approach by Charles Sanders Peirce as theanalythical method, the meaning behind signs including icons, index, and symbol are deeply interpreted throughthe elaboration of signs, objects, and interpretants. The result of the research showed that every signs thatappeared in the ads have meanings that are related to the target audience of Korea?s tourism, thecharacteristics of Koreans, the nation characteristics of Korea, and the Korean Wave phenomenon as theattraction of Korea?s tourism., This paper discusses about the meaning of signs that appear in South Korea’s tourism advertisement onYoutube “Imagine Your Korea-The Movie”. This ads is a part of Korea Tourism Organization’s globalcampaign which objectives are to increase target audience’s awareness about the attractions of Korea’s tourismand to increase the numbers of foreign visitors. Using Semiotics approach by Charles Sanders Peirce as theanalythical method, the meaning behind signs including icons, index, and symbol are deeply interpreted throughthe elaboration of signs, objects, and interpretants. The result of the research showed that every signs thatappeared in the ads have meanings that are related to the target audience of Korea’s tourism, thecharacteristics of Koreans, the nation characteristics of Korea, and the Korean Wave phenomenon as theattraction of Korea’s tourism.]