ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menelusuri nilai ekspektasi dan
kenyataan para konsumen online terhadap pengalaman saat belanja online.
Komunitas online telah menghadapi masalah dengan kepercayaan dan keamanan.
Hasilnya menjadikan konsumen tidak percaya untuk belanja online. Alat ukur
mengenai kualitas pelayanan telah digunakan untuk mengukur kesenjangan
antara nilai ekspektasi dan kenyataan para konsumen terhadap pengalaman saat
belanja online. Penelitian berdasarkan model SERVQUAL diuji kepada kelompok
penggemar belanja online di Melbourne untuk memahami aspek-aspek yang turut
berkontribusi terhadap kesenjangan diantara ekspektasi dan kenyataan para
konsumen. Singkat kata, konsumen online mencari keamanan dan jaminan
sebagai prioritas utama ketika mereka telibat dengan belanja online.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to explore the perceived and actual value ofonline consumers towards online shopping experience. The problem the onlinecommunity has been dealing with was trust and security. The outcomes of thoseactions were distrusts from consumers to shop online. A measurement of qualityservice is used to measure the gaps between consumer?s perceived and actualvalue towards online shopping experience. A research based on the SERVQUALmodel was conducted to a group of avid online consumers in Melbourne tounderstand which aspect contributes the most to the gap of their expectations andperceptions. In summary, online customers seeks security and assurance as thetop priority when engaging in online shopping experience, The purpose of this paper is to explore the perceived and actual value ofonline consumers towards online shopping experience. The problem the onlinecommunity has been dealing with was trust and security. The outcomes of thoseactions were distrusts from consumers to shop online. A measurement of qualityservice is used to measure the gaps between consumer’s perceived and actualvalue towards online shopping experience. A research based on the SERVQUALmodel was conducted to a group of avid online consumers in Melbourne tounderstand which aspect contributes the most to the gap of their expectations andperceptions. In summary, online customers seeks security and assurance as thetop priority when engaging in online shopping experience]