ABSTRAKSasana Tresna Werdha (STW) merupakan salah satu pelayanan lansia yang ada di perkotaan. Permasalahn yang sering dialami pada lansia diperkotaan adalah masalah risiko jatuh, karena adanya perubahan pada sistem muskuloskeletal seiring dengan pertambahan usia dan gaya hidup. Karya ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan hasil asuhan keperawatan yang diberikan pada salah satu lansia dengan masalah risiko jatuh di STW Budi Mulia 1 Ciracas. Penulis yang berperan sebagai perawat melakukan asuhan keperawatan dengan risiko jatuh kepada klien NH di Wisma Melati STW Budi Mulia 1 Ciracas mulai tanggal 10 Mei -12 Juni 2015. Nenek NH berumur 81 tahun, pernah mengalami jatuh 1x dalam 2 bulan terakhir, postur tubuh bungkuk, fungsi pendengaran dan penglihatan berkurang. Intervensi yang dilakukan latihan keseimbangan dan modifikasi lingkungan. Hasil dari latihan keseimbangan yang dilakukan ialah adanya peningkatan nilai skala keseimbangan Berg (BBS), yaitu dari 35 menjadi 49. Implementasi terkait risiko jatuh yang dilakukan menunjukkan hasil positif yaitu tidak terjadi jatuh selama pemberian asuhan keperawatan. Rekomendasi untuk pihak STW ialah adanya latihan keseimbangan minimal satu kali dalam seminggu dengan durasi minimal 30 menit dan adanya pengukuran MFS dan BBT tiap tiga bulan pada lansia yang berisiko jatuh serta memodifikasi lingkungan secara berkala yang aman bagi lansia sehingga risiko jatuh pada lansia dapat menurun atau meminimalkan angka kejadian jatuh.
ABSTRACTSasana Tresna Werdha (STW) is one of the elderly services in urban areas. Permasalahn often experienced in the elderly is a problem in urban risk of falls, due to changes in the musculoskeletal system with age and lifestyle. This scientific work aims to present the results of nursing care given to one of the elderly with risk issues falling in STW Budi Mulia 1 Ciracas. Writers who act as nurses perform nursing care at risk of falling to clients NH at Wisma Budi Mulia Bed STW 1 Ciracas began on May 10 -12 June 2015. The 81-year-old grandmother NH, have experienced falling 1x in the last 2 months, stooped posture, hearing and vision is reduced. Balance training interventions and environmental modifications. Results of balance exercises done is an increase in the value of Berg balance scale (BBS), ie from 35 to 49. Implementation of associated risk of falls have shown positive results which do not occur crashed during nursing care. Recommendations for the STW is their balance exercises at least once a week with a minimum duration of 30 minutes and the MFS and BBT measurement every three months on the elderly at risk of falling as well as periodically modifying a safe environment for the elderly so that the risk of falls in the elderly can decrease or minimize the incidence of falls., Sasana Tresna Werdha STW is one of the elderly services in urban areas Permasalahn often experienced in the elderly is a problem in urban risk of falls dueto changes in the musculoskeletal system with age and lifestyle This scientific workaims to present the results of nursing care given to one of the elderly with risk issuesfalling in STW Budi Mulia 1 Ciracas Writers who act as nurses perform nursing careat risk of falling to clients NH at Wisma Budi Mulia Bed STW 1 Ciracas began onMay 10 12 June 2015 The 81 year old grandmother NH have experienced falling1x in the last 2 months stooped posture hearing and vision is reduced Balancetraining interventions and environmental modifications Results of balance exercisesdone is an increase in the value of Berg balance scale BBS ie from 35 to 49 Implementation of associated risk of falls have shown positive results which do notoccur crashed during nursing care Recommendations for the STW is their balanceexercises at least once a week with a minimum duration of 30 minutes and the MFSand BBT measurement every three months on the elderly at risk of falling as well asperiodically modifying a safe environment for the elderly so that the risk of falls inthe elderly can decrease or minimize the incidence of falls ]