ABSTRAK Sesak nafas merupakan keluhan yang umum terjadi pada penderita gagal jantung
kongestif akibat penumpukan cairan. Pemberian semifowler derajat menjadi salah
satu intervensi untuk mengurangi rasa sesak dan mencegah komplikasi akibat sesak.
Karya ilmiah akhir ners ini bertujuan menganalisis keefektifan pemberian posisi
tidur 45 derajat dalam mengurangi sesak nafas pada penderita gagal jantung
kongestif dengan pemberian posisi tidur 45 derajat. Implementasi ini dilakukan
selama pasien mengeluh sesak nafas. Hasil perawatan selama lima hari
menunjukkan bahwa pasien melaporkan terjadinya penurunan sesak nafas selama
pemberian posisi tidur 45 derajat. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan adanya
penurunan laju pernafasan 4-6 kali permenit. Karya Ilmiah akhir ners ini
merekomendasikan perlu dilakukan penelitian terkait efektivitas intervensi yang
dilakukan dengan melihat perbedaan antara sebelum dan sesudah pemberian posisi
45o,90o, dan orthopnea.
ABSTRACT Breathlessness is a common symptom in patient with congestive hearth failurethat caused by fluid retention. The semifowler position is one of the interventionto reduce the breathlessness and prevent the complications due to breathlessness.The aim of this study was to analyzing the effectiveness of 45 degrees position inreducing breathlessness in patient with congestive hearth failure. Implementationwas performed while the patient had breathlessness. Results showed that patientsreported a decrease in breathlessness during 45 degrees positions. Which wasindicated by a decrease in respiratory rate 4-6 times per minute. This resultsuggest to perform research that identify the difference between before and afteradministration of 45o,90o, and orthopnea.;Breathlessness is a common symptom in patient with congestive hearth failurethat caused by fluid retention. The semifowler position is one of the interventionto reduce the breathlessness and prevent the complications due to breathlessness.The aim of this study was to analyzing the effectiveness of 45 degrees position inreducing breathlessness in patient with congestive hearth failure. Implementationwas performed while the patient had breathlessness. Results showed that patientsreported a decrease in breathlessness during 45 degrees positions. Which wasindicated by a decrease in respiratory rate 4-6 times per minute. This resultsuggest to perform research that identify the difference between before and afteradministration of 45o,90o, and orthopnea.;Breathlessness is a common symptom in patient with congestive hearth failurethat caused by fluid retention. The semifowler position is one of the interventionto reduce the breathlessness and prevent the complications due to breathlessness.The aim of this study was to analyzing the effectiveness of 45 degrees position inreducing breathlessness in patient with congestive hearth failure. Implementationwas performed while the patient had breathlessness. Results showed that patientsreported a decrease in breathlessness during 45 degrees positions. Which wasindicated by a decrease in respiratory rate 4-6 times per minute. This resultsuggest to perform research that identify the difference between before and afteradministration of 45o,90o, and orthopnea.;Breathlessness is a common symptom in patient with congestive hearth failurethat caused by fluid retention. The semifowler position is one of the interventionto reduce the breathlessness and prevent the complications due to breathlessness.The aim of this study was to analyzing the effectiveness of 45 degrees position inreducing breathlessness in patient with congestive hearth failure. Implementationwas performed while the patient had breathlessness. Results showed that patientsreported a decrease in breathlessness during 45 degrees positions. Which wasindicated by a decrease in respiratory rate 4-6 times per minute. This resultsuggest to perform research that identify the difference between before and afteradministration of 45o,90o, and orthopnea., Breathlessness is a common symptom in patient with congestive hearth failurethat caused by fluid retention. The semifowler position is one of the interventionto reduce the breathlessness and prevent the complications due to breathlessness.The aim of this study was to analyzing the effectiveness of 45 degrees position inreducing breathlessness in patient with congestive hearth failure. Implementationwas performed while the patient had breathlessness. Results showed that patientsreported a decrease in breathlessness during 45 degrees positions. Which wasindicated by a decrease in respiratory rate 4-6 times per minute. This resultsuggest to perform research that identify the difference between before and afteradministration of 45o,90o, and orthopnea.]