ABSTRAK Tuberkulosis paru merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat perkotaan
dan penyebab kematian tertinggi di Indonesia. Penulisan karya ilmiah bertujuan
untuk menganalisis asuhan keperawatan pada pasien TB Paru dengan konteks
keperawatan kesehatan masyarakat perkotaan. Asuhan keperawatan diberikan
sesuai dengan proses keperawatan. Masalah keperawatan utama yang muncul
adalah bersihan jalan nafas tidak efektif, intoleransi aktifitas dan kurang
pengetahuan tentang TB dan pengobatannya. Intervensi yang diberikan adalah
memberikan posisi semipowler, latihan ROM secara aktif, dan intervensi khusus
pemberian pendidikan kesehatan tentang kepatuhan minum Obat Anti
Tuberkulosis. Hasil evaluasi dari asuhan keperawatan menunjukkan jalan nafas
adekuat, aktivitas mandiri, dan peningkatan pengetahuan klien tentang Obat Anti
Tuberkulosis. Karya ilmiah ini diharapkan menjadi gambaran bagi perawat
medikal bedah dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan pada pasien dengan TB
ABSTRACT Tuberculosis TB is one of the disease that caused high mortality inIndonesia The aim of this paper is to analyze nursing care on TB patient usingconcept of urban nursing Nursing problem that occur were in effective airwayclearance intolerance activity and inadequate knowledge about TB treatment Nursing interventions that were given semifowler position active ROM andhealth education about TB treatment The result shown improvement on airwayclearance independent activity and better client rsquo s knowledge about tuberculosismedication The outcome of this nursing care can be used to improve the qualityof nursing care for TB patient in the hospital Keyword Adherence TB patient nursing;Tuberculosis TB is one of the disease that caused high mortality inIndonesia The aim of this paper is to analyze nursing care on TB patient usingconcept of urban nursing Nursing problem that occur were in effective airwayclearance intolerance activity and inadequate knowledge about TB treatment Nursing interventions that were given semifowler position active ROM andhealth education about TB treatment The result shown improvement on airwayclearance independent activity and better client rsquo s knowledge about tuberculosismedication The outcome of this nursing care can be used to improve the qualityof nursing care for TB patient in the hospital Keyword Adherence TB patient nursing;Tuberculosis TB is one of the disease that caused high mortality inIndonesia The aim of this paper is to analyze nursing care on TB patient usingconcept of urban nursing Nursing problem that occur were in effective airwayclearance intolerance activity and inadequate knowledge about TB treatment Nursing interventions that were given semifowler position active ROM andhealth education about TB treatment The result shown improvement on airwayclearance independent activity and better client rsquo s knowledge about tuberculosismedication The outcome of this nursing care can be used to improve the qualityof nursing care for TB patient in the hospital Keyword Adherence TB patient nursing;Tuberculosis TB is one of the disease that caused high mortality inIndonesia The aim of this paper is to analyze nursing care on TB patient usingconcept of urban nursing Nursing problem that occur were in effective airwayclearance intolerance activity and inadequate knowledge about TB treatment Nursing interventions that were given semifowler position active ROM andhealth education about TB treatment The result shown improvement on airwayclearance independent activity and better client rsquo s knowledge about tuberculosismedication The outcome of this nursing care can be used to improve the qualityof nursing care for TB patient in the hospital Keyword Adherence TB patient nursing, Tuberculosis TB is one of the disease that caused high mortality inIndonesia The aim of this paper is to analyze nursing care on TB patient usingconcept of urban nursing Nursing problem that occur were in effective airwayclearance intolerance activity and inadequate knowledge about TB treatment Nursing interventions that were given semifowler position active ROM andhealth education about TB treatment The result shown improvement on airwayclearance independent activity and better client rsquo s knowledge about tuberculosismedication The outcome of this nursing care can be used to improve the qualityof nursing care for TB patient in the hospital Keyword Adherence TB patient nursing]