ABSTRAKSkizophrenia paranoid memperlihatkan tanda dan gejala perilaku kekerasan yang berisiko cedera bagi klien dan lingkungan. Tujuan Karya Ilmiah ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi generalis, latihan asertif, psikoedukasi keluarga terhadap tanda dan gejala, kemampuan klien, keluarga. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif analitik dengan memberikan terapi generalis, latihan asertif, pada 20 klien dan selanjutnya pada 7 klien diberikan psikoedukasi pada keluarga. Pemberian terapi generalis, latihan asertif pada 13 klien menunjukkan penurunan tanda, gejala, peningkatan kemampuan klien. Pemberian terapi generalis, latihan asertif, psikoedukasi keluarga pada 7 klien dan keluarganya menunjukkan penurunan tanda dan gejala, peningkatan kemampuan yang lebih besar daripada pemberian terapi generalis, latihan asertif. Direkomendasikan kombinasi terapi generalis, latihan asertif, psikoedukasi keluarga pada klien resiko perilaku kekerasan.
ABSTRACTSkizophrenia paranoid shows signs, symptoms of aggressive behavior are at risk of injury for the client, the environment. The purpose of this scientific masterpiece to know influence of generalist therapy, assertiveness training, family psychoeducation against the mark, the symptoms, the capabilities of the client, family. Analitic descriptive method used by providing a generalist therapy, assertiveness training, on 20 asertif the client and client's given on 7 psikoeducation in the family. Generalist therapy, assertiveness training, on 13 clients shows a decrease in signs and symptoms, increased the ability of the client. Generalist therapy, assertiveness training, family psychoeducation in 7 clients, and family shows a decrease in signs, symptoms, and improved skills an increase greater than on the giving of generalist therapy, assertiveness training, family psychoeducation. Recommended combination generalist therapy, assertiveness training, family psychoeducation on the client's risk of aggressive behavior., Skizophrenia paranoid shows signs, symptoms of aggressive behavior are at risk of injury for the client, the environment. The purpose of this scientific masterpiece to know influence of generalist therapy, assertiveness training, family psychoeducation against the mark, the symptoms, the capabilities of the client, family. Analitic descriptive method used by providing a generalist therapy, assertiveness training, on 20 asertif the client and client's given on 7 psikoeducation in the family. Generalist therapy, assertiveness training, on 13 clients shows a decrease in signs and symptoms, increased the ability of the client. Generalist therapy, assertiveness training, family psychoeducation in 7 clients, and family shows a decrease in signs, symptoms, and improved skills an increase greater than on the giving of generalist therapy, assertiveness training, family psychoeducation. Recommended combination generalist therapy, assertiveness training, family psychoeducation on the client's risk of aggressive behavior.]