ABSTRAK Diabetes melitus merupakan sekelompok gangguan metabolisme tubuh, ditandai
dengan hiperglikemik kronis yang dapat mengakibatkan komplikasi akut dan
kronis. Salah satu peran perawat sebagai pemberi asuhan adalah memberikan
asuhan keperawatan yang berkualitas melalui pendekatan Teori Self Care Orem.
Penggunaan pendekatan teori ini diharapkan dapat membantu perawat dalam
menanggulangi keterbatasan yang dimiliki pasien dan melibatkan pasien secara
aktif dalam proses perawatannya melalui peilaku perawatan mandiri. Tujuan
penulisan karya ilmiah akhir ini adalah menganalisis hasil proses belajar residensi
keperawatan medikal bedah melalui penerapan asuhan keperawatan, penerapan
evidence based nursing practice, dan inovasi keperawatan. Data yang diperoleh
selama praktik klinik menunjukkan sebagian besar pasien diabetes melitus
mengalami komplikasi ulkus kaki diabetik yang disebabkan oleh perilaku
perawatan kaki mandiri belum optimal. Hasil penerapan evidence based nursing
practice berupa kegiatan edukasi perawatan kaki mandiri dapat meningkatkan
pengetahuan dan membentuk perilaku perawatan kaki sebagai tindakan
pencegahan dini. Hasil kegiatan inovasi keperawatan melalui pengkajian
kesehatan mandiri adalah pasien dapat melakukan pengkajian mandiri terhadap
kebutuhan edukasi dan mendapatkan edukasi sesuai kebutuhan mereka.
Kesimpulan dari karya ilmiah akhir ini adalah perlunya peningkatan kualitas
asuhan keperawatan pada pasien diabetes melitus melalui pendekatan teori keperawatan untuk meningkatkan kemandirian pasien dalam pengelolaan penyakitnya.
ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that characterized by chronichyperglycemia which could lead to acute and chronic complications. One of nurseroles in managing diabetes mellitus is deliver nursing care using Orem?s Theoryof Self Care as guide of nursing practice. With this theoretical approach, nursingis expected to be able to overcome the limitations and inability of the patients andactively involve patients in the treatment process through self-care behaviors. Theaims of this paper is to analyze the implementation of nursing care, application ofevidence based nursing practice, and innovation program which integrated toclinical practice. Based on patient collective data, that was found that the majorityof diabetes mellitus patients had been hospitalized with diabetic foot ulcerscomplications that caused by non-optimal foot self-care behavior. The results ofevidence based nursing practice showed that the diabetic foot care educationprogram can improve the knowledge and build the foot self-care behavior as earlyprevention action. The results of innovation program through self-healthassessment program are patients could assess their needs of educations and gethealth education according to assessment results. In conclusion, it?s needed toimprove the quality in caring for diabetes mellitus patients through application of nursing theory to increase the self-care behaviors in management of disease. ;Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that characterized by chronichyperglycemia which could lead to acute and chronic complications. One of nurseroles in managing diabetes mellitus is deliver nursing care using Orem?s Theoryof Self Care as guide of nursing practice. With this theoretical approach, nursingis expected to be able to overcome the limitations and inability of the patients andactively involve patients in the treatment process through self-care behaviors. Theaims of this paper is to analyze the implementation of nursing care, application ofevidence based nursing practice, and innovation program which integrated toclinical practice. Based on patient collective data, that was found that the majorityof diabetes mellitus patients had been hospitalized with diabetic foot ulcerscomplications that caused by non-optimal foot self-care behavior. The results ofevidence based nursing practice showed that the diabetic foot care educationprogram can improve the knowledge and build the foot self-care behavior as earlyprevention action. The results of innovation program through self-healthassessment program are patients could assess their needs of educations and gethealth education according to assessment results. In conclusion, it?s needed toimprove the quality in caring for diabetes mellitus patients through application of nursing theory to increase the self-care behaviors in management of disease. ;Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that characterized by chronichyperglycemia which could lead to acute and chronic complications. One of nurseroles in managing diabetes mellitus is deliver nursing care using Orem?s Theoryof Self Care as guide of nursing practice. With this theoretical approach, nursingis expected to be able to overcome the limitations and inability of the patients andactively involve patients in the treatment process through self-care behaviors. Theaims of this paper is to analyze the implementation of nursing care, application ofevidence based nursing practice, and innovation program which integrated toclinical practice. Based on patient collective data, that was found that the majorityof diabetes mellitus patients had been hospitalized with diabetic foot ulcerscomplications that caused by non-optimal foot self-care behavior. The results ofevidence based nursing practice showed that the diabetic foot care educationprogram can improve the knowledge and build the foot self-care behavior as earlyprevention action. The results of innovation program through self-healthassessment program are patients could assess their needs of educations and gethealth education according to assessment results. In conclusion, it?s needed toimprove the quality in caring for diabetes mellitus patients through application of nursing theory to increase the self-care behaviors in management of disease. , Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that characterized by chronichyperglycemia which could lead to acute and chronic complications. One of nurseroles in managing diabetes mellitus is deliver nursing care using Orem’s Theoryof Self Care as guide of nursing practice. With this theoretical approach, nursingis expected to be able to overcome the limitations and inability of the patients andactively involve patients in the treatment process through self-care behaviors. Theaims of this paper is to analyze the implementation of nursing care, application ofevidence based nursing practice, and innovation program which integrated toclinical practice. Based on patient collective data, that was found that the majorityof diabetes mellitus patients had been hospitalized with diabetic foot ulcerscomplications that caused by non-optimal foot self-care behavior. The results ofevidence based nursing practice showed that the diabetic foot care educationprogram can improve the knowledge and build the foot self-care behavior as earlyprevention action. The results of innovation program through self-healthassessment program are patients could assess their needs of educations and gethealth education according to assessment results. In conclusion, it’s needed toimprove the quality in caring for diabetes mellitus patients through application of nursing theory to increase the self-care behaviors in management of disease. ]