Nama WidiaWatiNPM 1206195810Program Studi Ners Spesialis Keperawatan Medikal BedahJudul Penerapan Asuhan Keperawatan Model Self Care Orem pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus dengan Ulkus di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit metabolik yang terjadi karena kelainan sekresi insulin kerja insulin atau keduanya yang ditandai dengan Hiperglikemia Kondisi hiperglikemia yang tidak teratasi dapat menimbulkan berbagai komplikasi baik komplikasi akut maupun kronik Salah satu komplikasi kronik adalah ulkus diabetes Seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah kejadian DM maka prevalensi ulkus diabetes akan meningkat juga Di Indonesia ulkus diabetes dan ganggren merupakan komplikasi diabetes yang paling banyak dirawat di rumah sakit Penanganan ulkus diabetes yang tidak optimal menyebabkan meningkatnya hari rawat inap Kondisi luka menimbulkan gangguan pemenuhan kebutuhan perawatan diri bagi pasien Perawat berperan penting dalam membantu pemenuhan Self Care pasien Untuk itu penerapan asuhan keperawatan model Self Care Orem berfokus pada kemampuan individu dalam melakukan tindakan perawatan mandiri mengenali dan mengatur kebutuhan perawatannya Penerapan Evidence Based Nursing adalah terapi Progressive Muscle Relaxation PMR dan latihan nafas merupakan latihan untuk meningkatkan kontrol glikemik dan menurunkan tingkat stress pada pasien DM tipe 2 Sedangkan Inovasi Keperawatan yang diberikan bertujuan meningkatkan Self Care dengan cara meningkatkan kemampuan pasien dalam Self Health Assessment Kata kunci Diabetes melitus Ulkus diabetes Model Self Care Orem ABSTRAK Nama WidiaWatiNPM 1206195810Program Studi Ners Spesialis Keperawatan Medikal BedahJudul Penerapan Asuhan Keperawatan Model Self Care Orem pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus dengan Ulkus di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit metabolik yang terjadi karena kelainan sekresi insulin kerja insulin atau keduanya yang ditandai dengan Hiperglikemia Kondisi hiperglikemia yang tidak teratasi dapat menimbulkan berbagai komplikasi baik komplikasi akut maupun kronik Salah satu komplikasi kronik adalah ulkus diabetes Seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah kejadian DM maka prevalensi ulkus diabetes akan meningkat juga Di Indonesia ulkus diabetes dan ganggren merupakan komplikasi diabetes yang paling banyak dirawat di rumah sakit Penanganan ulkus diabetes yang tidak optimal menyebabkan meningkatnya hari rawat inap Kondisi luka menimbulkan gangguan pemenuhan kebutuhan perawatan diri bagi pasien Perawat berperan penting dalam membantu pemenuhan Self Care pasien Untuk itu penerapan asuhan keperawatan model Self Care Orem berfokus pada kemampuan individu dalam melakukan tindakan perawatan mandiri mengenali dan mengatur kebutuhan perawatannya Penerapan Evidence Based Nursing adalah terapi Progressive Muscle Relaxation PMR dan latihan nafas merupakan latihan untuk meningkatkan kontrol glikemik dan menurunkan tingkat stress pada pasien DM tipe 2 Sedangkan Inovasi Keperawatan yang diberikan bertujuan meningkatkan Self Care dengan cara meningkatkan kemampuan pasien dalam Self Health Assessment Kata kunci Diabetes melitus Ulkus diabetes Model Self Care Orem ABSTRACT Name WidiaWatiNPM 1206195810Study Program Postgraduate of Nursing Science programTitle Nursing care by Orem rsquo s self care model application for diabetes mellitus patient with diabetic ulcer in RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Diabetes mellitus is metabolic disease because alter secretion act of insulin or both showed by hyperglycemia Hyperglycemia uncontrolled can cause complication either acute or chronic One of chronic complication is diabetic ulcer Increasing prevalence of diabetes could be assumed that could increase prevalence of diabetic ulcer either In Indonesia diabetic ulcer and gangrene were the most diabetes complication that was hospitalized Care of diabetic ulcer that was not optimal could cause length of stay LOS in hospital Diabetic ulcer could cause needs of self care demand disturbance for patient Nurse had important role in help self care demand for patient For that reason application of nursing care with self care Orem model focused on individual ability to do self care recognize and regulate care requirement Evidence Based Nursing about Progressive Muscle Relaxation PMR therapy and breathing exercise for enhance blood glucose control and reduce stress level in diabetes type 2 patient whereas nursing innovation purposed to enhance self care through increasing patient ability for Self Health Assessment Keywords Diabetes mellitus diabetic ulcer Orem rsquo s Self Care Model;ABSTRACT Name WidiaWatiNPM 1206195810Study Program Postgraduate of Nursing Science programTitle Nursing care by Orem rsquo s self care model application for diabetes mellitus patient with diabetic ulcer in RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Diabetes mellitus is metabolic disease because alter secretion act of insulin or both showed by hyperglycemia Hyperglycemia uncontrolled can cause complication either acute or chronic One of chronic complication is diabetic ulcer Increasing prevalence of diabetes could be assumed that could increase prevalence of diabetic ulcer either In Indonesia diabetic ulcer and gangrene were the most diabetes complication that was hospitalized Care of diabetic ulcer that was not optimal could cause length of stay LOS in hospital Diabetic ulcer could cause needs of self care demand disturbance for patient Nurse had important role in help self care demand for patient For that reason application of nursing care with self care Orem model focused on individual ability to do self care recognize and regulate care requirement Evidence Based Nursing about Progressive Muscle Relaxation PMR therapy and breathing exercise for enhance blood glucose control and reduce stress level in diabetes type 2 patient whereas nursing innovation purposed to enhance self care through increasing patient ability for Self Health Assessment Keywords Diabetes mellitus diabetic ulcer Orem rsquo s Self Care Model;ABSTRACT Name WidiaWatiNPM 1206195810Study Program Postgraduate of Nursing Science programTitle Nursing care by Orem rsquo s self care model application for diabetes mellitus patient with diabetic ulcer in RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Diabetes mellitus is metabolic disease because alter secretion act of insulin or both showed by hyperglycemia Hyperglycemia uncontrolled can cause complication either acute or chronic One of chronic complication is diabetic ulcer Increasing prevalence of diabetes could be assumed that could increase prevalence of diabetic ulcer either In Indonesia diabetic ulcer and gangrene were the most diabetes complication that was hospitalized Care of diabetic ulcer that was not optimal could cause length of stay LOS in hospital Diabetic ulcer could cause needs of self care demand disturbance for patient Nurse had important role in help self care demand for patient For that reason application of nursing care with self care Orem model focused on individual ability to do self care recognize and regulate care requirement Evidence Based Nursing about Progressive Muscle Relaxation PMR therapy and breathing exercise for enhance blood glucose control and reduce stress level in diabetes type 2 patient whereas nursing innovation purposed to enhance self care through increasing patient ability for Self Health Assessment Keywords Diabetes mellitus diabetic ulcer Orem rsquo s Self Care Model;ABSTRACT Name WidiaWatiNPM 1206195810Study Program Postgraduate of Nursing Science programTitle Nursing care by Orem rsquo s self care model application for diabetes mellitus patient with diabetic ulcer in RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Diabetes mellitus is metabolic disease because alter secretion act of insulin or both showed by hyperglycemia Hyperglycemia uncontrolled can cause complication either acute or chronic One of chronic complication is diabetic ulcer Increasing prevalence of diabetes could be assumed that could increase prevalence of diabetic ulcer either In Indonesia diabetic ulcer and gangrene were the most diabetes complication that was hospitalized Care of diabetic ulcer that was not optimal could cause length of stay LOS in hospital Diabetic ulcer could cause needs of self care demand disturbance for patient Nurse had important role in help self care demand for patient For that reason application of nursing care with self care Orem model focused on individual ability to do self care recognize and regulate care requirement Evidence Based Nursing about Progressive Muscle Relaxation PMR therapy and breathing exercise for enhance blood glucose control and reduce stress level in diabetes type 2 patient whereas nursing innovation purposed to enhance self care through increasing patient ability for Self Health Assessment Keywords Diabetes mellitus diabetic ulcer Orem rsquo s Self Care Model, ABSTRACT Name WidiaWatiNPM 1206195810Study Program Postgraduate of Nursing Science programTitle Nursing care by Orem rsquo s self care model application for diabetes mellitus patient with diabetic ulcer in RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Diabetes mellitus is metabolic disease because alter secretion act of insulin or both showed by hyperglycemia Hyperglycemia uncontrolled can cause complication either acute or chronic One of chronic complication is diabetic ulcer Increasing prevalence of diabetes could be assumed that could increase prevalence of diabetic ulcer either In Indonesia diabetic ulcer and gangrene were the most diabetes complication that was hospitalized Care of diabetic ulcer that was not optimal could cause length of stay LOS in hospital Diabetic ulcer could cause needs of self care demand disturbance for patient Nurse had important role in help self care demand for patient For that reason application of nursing care with self care Orem model focused on individual ability to do self care recognize and regulate care requirement Evidence Based Nursing about Progressive Muscle Relaxation PMR therapy and breathing exercise for enhance blood glucose control and reduce stress level in diabetes type 2 patient whereas nursing innovation purposed to enhance self care through increasing patient ability for Self Health Assessment Keywords Diabetes mellitus diabetic ulcer Orem rsquo s Self Care Model]