ABSTRAKKebudayaan, khususnya komponen nilai, dapat dipelajari melalui proses
pendidikan. Pendidikan menjadi isu penting karena pendidikan memainkan peran
yang penting dalam sosialisasi pada diri anak-anak. Menjadi sesuatu yang
kontradiktif ketika budaya di sekolah bertentangan budaya di masyarakat,
khususnya budaya di sebagian kalangan pelajar. Misalnya, masyarakat tidak
membenarkan kenakalan pelajar seperti tawuran, pergaulan bebas dan penyalah
gunaan narkoba. Tetapi justru sebagian pelajar justru terlibat dalam kenakalan
pelajar tersebut.Sekolah sebagai lembaga pendidikan tentunya mempunyai peran
penting untuk membendung kenakalan pelajar. Sekolah pada umumnya memiliki
visi, misi, nilai, program dan tata tertib yang menentang kenakalan pelajar
tersebut. Visi, misi, nilai, program dan tata tertib sekolah dapat disebut sebagai
school culture. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan school culture di
SMA Islam Terpadu Nurul Fikri (SMAIT NF) Depok. Penelitian ini
menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan strategi studi kasus.
Nilai SMART merupakan inti school culture SMAIT NF Depok. School culture
SMAIT NF Depok secara umum cukup berjalan cukup baik. Hal tersebut
didukung oleh pelaksanaan sosialisasi SMART sejak Masa Orientasi Sekolah
(MOS). SMART juga dimasukkan ke dalam buku pedoman tata tertib siswa dan
dievaluasi setiap bulan. SMART juga berlaku bagi guru dan karyawan tetapi
sosialisasi dan evaluasi belum optimal. Tetapi elemen school culture yang masih
lemah di SMAIT NF Depok adalah dokumentasi sejarah dan artefak simbolik.
Nilai SMART yang berlaku bagi semua warga SMAIT NF Depok baik siswa,
guru maupun karyawan seharusnya didukung oleh kebijakan, konsep dan berbagai
perangkat yang lebih tepat guna. Sehingga nilai SMART secara konkret dapat
bekerja sebagai inti shoool culture SMAIT NF Depok.
ABSTRACTCulture, especially a value component can be learnt through a learning process.
Education becomes an important issue because education plays the crucial role in
socialization especially for children. Being a contradictive when culture in the school
is against the culture in society, especially the culture in students. For instance, the
society blames teenages delinquency for example riot and loothing, free sex, and
drug abuse. However a part of the students are involved in the teenages delinquency.
School as the education institution has the crucial role to prevent teenages
delinquency. Generally, school owns vision, missions, values, program and
regulations which are against the teenages delinquency. Vision, missions, values,
program and regulations are mentioned as a school culture. The research aims to
describe school culture in Nurul Fikri Depok Integrated Islamic Senior High School
(SMAIT NF). This research uses qualitative approach by case study strategy.
SMART value is the core of the school culture of SMAIT NF Depok. Generally, the
school culture of SMAIT NF Depok carries out well. It has been supported by an
implementation of SMART socialization since School Orientation Period
(SOP/MOS). SMART is included in a guidance book of students regulations and it
is evaluated every month. SMART is also intended for teachers and staff, however
the socialization and evaluation have not been optimal. The weak elements of school
culture in SMAIT NF Depok are historical documentation and symbolic artefact.
SMART value which is valid for all SMAIT NF Depok society both students,
teachers and staff must be supported by the exact and useable policy, concept and
various frames. Therefore SMART value can concretely work as the school culture
core of SMAIT NF Depok, Culture, especially a value component can be learnt through a learning process.
Education becomes an important issue because education plays the crucial role in
socialization especially for children. Being a contradictive when culture in the school
is against the culture in society, especially the culture in students. For instance, the
society blames teenages delinquency for example riot and loothing, free sex, and
drug abuse. However a part of the students are involved in the teenages delinquency.
School as the education institution has the crucial role to prevent teenages
delinquency. Generally, school owns vision, missions, values, program and
regulations which are against the teenages delinquency. Vision, missions, values,
program and regulations are mentioned as a school culture. The research aims to
describe school culture in Nurul Fikri Depok Integrated Islamic Senior High School
(SMAIT NF). This research uses qualitative approach by case study strategy.
SMART value is the core of the school culture of SMAIT NF Depok. Generally, the
school culture of SMAIT NF Depok carries out well. It has been supported by an
implementation of SMART socialization since School Orientation Period
(SOP/MOS). SMART is included in a guidance book of students regulations and it
is evaluated every month. SMART is also intended for teachers and staff, however
the socialization and evaluation have not been optimal. The weak elements of school
culture in SMAIT NF Depok are historical documentation and symbolic artefact.
SMART value which is valid for all SMAIT NF Depok society both students,
teachers and staff must be supported by the exact and useable policy, concept and
various frames. Therefore SMART value can concretely work as the school culture
core of SMAIT NF Depok]