ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara gaya pengambilan keputusan karier dengan adaptabilitas karier di dunia kerja. Keputusan karier yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini pun berfokus pada keputusan individu saat memilih pekerjaan. Penelitian ini juga ingin melihat di antara lima gaya pengambilan keputusan, yakni rational, intuitive, dependent, avoidant, dan spontaneous yang mendukung keterampilan adaptabilitas karier. Pengukuran gaya pengambilan keputusan karier menggunakan alat ukur General Decision Making Scale (GDMS). Selain itu pengukuran adaptabilitas karier menggunakan Career Adapt-Abilities Scale. Sebanyak 170 lulusan sarjana Universitas Indonesia yang sedang bekerja berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisa memperlihatkan semua gaya pengambilan keputusan berkorelasi secara signifikan dengan adaptabilitas karier. Lalu, hanya gaya pengambilan keputusan rational yang berkorelasi positif dan mendukung adaptabilitas karier di dunia kerja.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study aimed to find the correlation between career decision
making style and career adaptability in workplace. The focus of career decision in
this research is a decision when individuals choose a job. This research wants to
find between five career decision making style, that is rational, intuitive,
dependent, avoidant, and spontaneous which support career adaptability. The
measurement of career decision making style uses General Decision Making Scale
(GDMS). Besides that, the measurement of career adaptability uses Career Adapt-
Abilities Scale. 170 fresh graduates from University of Indonesia in work
participate in this research. The result shows that five career decision making style
have a significant correlation with career adaptability. Then, only rational career
decision making that have positive correlation and support career adaptability., The purpose of this study aimed to find the correlation between career decision
making style and career adaptability in workplace. The focus of career decision in
this research is a decision when individuals choose a job. This research wants to
find between five career decision making style, that is rational, intuitive,
dependent, avoidant, and spontaneous which support career adaptability. The
measurement of career decision making style uses General Decision Making Scale
(GDMS). Besides that, the measurement of career adaptability uses Career Adapt-
Abilities Scale. 170 fresh graduates from University of Indonesia in work
participate in this research. The result shows that five career decision making style
have a significant correlation with career adaptability. Then, only rational career
decision making that have positive correlation and support career adaptability.]