ABSTRAKKemampuan inhibitor Triazine dalam menginhibisi baja karbon API 5L X60 dalam lingkungan NaCl 3.5% diinvestigasi dengan menggunakan metode Polarisasi Tafel dalam berbagai variasi konsentrasi. Konsentrasi yang digunakan pada penelitian kali ini adalah 0 ppm, 50 ppm, 10 ppm, 150 ppm, 200 ppm, dan 250 ppm. Efisiensi optimum yang didapatkan adalah sebesar 50.28% dengan konsentrasi inhibitor triazine sebesar 150 ppm. Dengan pengujian FTIR, maka dibuktikan bahwa senyawa triazine mampu menginhibisi permukaan baja API 5L X60. Penelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa inhibitor triazine merupakan inhibitor korosi karena mampu menurunkan laju korosi.Inhibitor triazine termasuk kedalam jenis inhibitor campuran.
ABSTRACTThe corrosion rate from Triazine-based inhibitors on API 5-L X60 steel at NaCl 3,5% environtment were investigated using the Tafel Polarization method. The Triazine compounds that successfully absorbed onto steel surface were investigated using the Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR). Triazine?s efficiency depends on the concentration that given onto environtment. The highest efficiency of Triazine inhibitor is 50.28% with the optimize concentration 150 ppm. The investigated Triazine inhibitors were proven as the corrosion inhibitors because it can reduces the corrosion rate. Triazine inhibitors are also mixed type inhibitors.;The corrosion rate from Triazine-based inhibitors on API 5-L X60 steel at NaCl 3,5% environtment were investigated using the Tafel Polarization method. The Triazine compounds that successfully absorbed onto steel surface were investigated using the Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR). Triazine?s efficiency depends on the concentration that given onto environtment. The highest efficiency of Triazine inhibitor is 50.28% with the optimize concentration 150 ppm. The investigated Triazine inhibitors were proven as the corrosion inhibitors because it can reduces the corrosion rate. Triazine inhibitors are also mixed type inhibitors.
, The corrosion rate from Triazine-based inhibitors on API 5-L X60 steel at NaCl 3,5% environtment were investigated using the Tafel Polarization method. The Triazine compounds that successfully absorbed onto steel surface were investigated using the Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR). Triazine’s efficiency depends on the concentration that given onto environtment. The highest efficiency of Triazine inhibitor is 50.28% with the optimize concentration 150 ppm. The investigated Triazine inhibitors were proven as the corrosion inhibitors because it can reduces the corrosion rate. Triazine inhibitors are also mixed type inhibitors.