[Hukum kesehatan merupakan cabang ilmu yang masih tergolong muda di Indonesia. Hukum kesehatan yang baru berkembang ini berbanding terbalik dengan banyaknya sorotan terhadap hukum kesehatan, khususnya kepada dokter spesialis anestesi dalam melakukan tindakan operasi. Seorang dokter spesialis anestesi melakukan peran yang sangat penting di kamar operasi, tidak hanya membuat pasien tertidur, tetapi juga harus membuat keputusan untuk melindungi dan menjaga fungsi-fungsi vital dari organ pasien sehingga dapat berjalan dengan baik. Dokter spesialis anestesi juga bertugas untuk mendiagnosa dan menangani masalah yang mungkin timbul selama operasi atau pada masa pemulihan dalam perspektif keselamatan pasien secara umum. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya dokter spesialis anestesi harus berpedoman terhadap standar dan prosedur, karena dalam melakukan anestesi diharuskan untuk tidak melakukan kesalahan maupun kelalaian. Penulisan ini membahas tentang tinjauan tanggung jawab dokter spesialis anestesi dalam tindakan operasi. Luasnya aspek hukum yang terdapat dalam hubungan dokter dan pasien membuat penulis membatasi pembahasan penulisan ini hanya mengenai aspek hukum kesehatan.
;Health law is considered a new branch of law in Indonesia. The developing health law are inversely proportional to vast attention given to health law, especially to anesthetic specialist?s in surgical operation. Anesthetic specialist?s do important role in operation room, not only make patient sleep, but also take a decision to keep and protect the function of organ patient and also have a duty to diagnose and manage a problem that maybe will any during surgical operation or period dignification in perspective safety patient in general. Anesthetic specialist?s must orientation with standart and procedure, because when anesthesia doing, doctor?s shouldn?t do negligence or fault. The purpose of this writing is to knowing the responsibility of anesthetic specialist?s in surgical operation. The wide range of legal aspect in relationship within doctor and patient, require the writer to limit the writing of this paper only in term of health law.
, Health law is considered a new branch of law in Indonesia. The developing health law are inversely proportional to vast attention given to health law, especially to anesthetic specialist’s in surgical operation. Anesthetic specialist’s do important role in operation room, not only make patient sleep, but also take a decision to keep and protect the function of organ patient and also have a duty to diagnose and manage a problem that maybe will any during surgical operation or period dignification in perspective safety patient in general. Anesthetic specialist’s must orientation with standart and procedure, because when anesthesia doing, doctor’s shouldn’t do negligence or fault. The purpose of this writing is to knowing the responsibility of anesthetic specialist’s in surgical operation. The wide range of legal aspect in relationship within doctor and patient, require the writer to limit the writing of this paper only in term of health law.