ABSTRAKTelevisi merupakan barang elektronik yang selalu digunakan masyarakat setiap harinya. Hal ini menyebabkan industri ini mengalami pertumbuhan yang pesat sehingga menghasilkan e-waste televisi yang terus meningkat. Dari hasil penelitian menggunakan metode load-count analysis yang dilakukan pada jasa perbaikan televisi di 5 Kecamatan di Kota Depok selama 8 hari, didapatkan timbulan e-waste televisi sebesar 40,56 kg dengan timbulan rata-rata sebesar 5,07 kg/hari Didapatkan pula komposisi e-waste televisi berdasarkan bahan penyusunnya yang terdiri dari 44,44 % logam, 11,85 % plastik, 22,81 % kaca, dan 18,08 % campuran logam dengan plastik. Selain data mengenai timbulan dan komposisi, didapatkan pula data pengelolaan e-waste televisi yang belum dilakukan pengelolaan secara khusus dan hanya dilakukan pemanfaatan kembali dengan cara menjualnya kepada pengepul dan pedagang loak/pemulung. Didapatkan distribusi aliran material yaitu, 96,2 % disimpan jasa perbaikan dan 3,8 % dibuang ke lingkungan.
ABSTRACTTelevision is electrical equipment that used every day by the people. This causes television industry experienced rapid growth causing e-waste growing mobile. From the results of research using load-count analysis method conducted on the repair services at 5 District located in Depok for 8 days, found e-waste generation television of 40,56 kg with an average generation of 5,07 kg/day Found also the composition of e-waste television based constituent materials consisting of metal 44,44 %, 11,85 % plastic, glass 22,81 %, and 1.25% metal alloys with plastic. In addition to the data on the composition and, obtained data on television e-waste management at which they have not done specifically management and reuse is only done in a way to sell it to collectors and traders flea / scavengers. Obtained distribution of material flow is , repair and saved 96,2%, 3,8% discharged to the environment .
, Television is electrical equipment that used every day by the people. This causes television industry experienced rapid growth causing e-waste growing mobile. From the results of research using load-count analysis method conducted on the repair services at 5 District located in Depok for 8 days, found e-waste generation television of 40,56 kg with an average generation of 5,07 kg/day Found also the composition of e-waste television based constituent materials consisting of metal 44,44 %, 11,85 % plastic, glass 22,81 %, and 1.25% metal alloys with plastic. In addition to the data on the composition and, obtained data on television e-waste management at which they have not done specifically management and reuse is only done in a way to sell it to collectors and traders flea / scavengers. Obtained distribution of material flow is , repair and saved 96,2%, 3,8% discharged to the environment .