[This research was intended to examine the critical role of ambient-condition factors in the formation of overall image, customer satisfaction, and loyalty intentions. The
results of the research was taken from a sample of 156 luxury hotel customers in Jakarta to demonstrate the influence ambience conditions factors have on the
formation of overall image, customer satisfaction and loyalty intentions. Odor/Aroma was found to be the most significant ambience factor which affected overall image while on the other end of the spectrum, Air Quality showed to be insignificant. Regarding Customer Satisfaction, Noise/Sound level was the most significant with Music factor being second with mere differences. Air Quality was
again found to be insignificant in influencing Customer Satisfaction. Furthermore, Overall Image and Customer Satisfaction was found to positively influence customers’ Loyalty Intentions in the hotel industry.
.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran penting dari faktor ambient-conditions dalam pembentukan overall image, customer satisfaction dan loyalty intentions. Hasil penelitian ini terambil dari 156 sampel pelanggan hotel di Jakarta untuk menunjukkan pengaruh ambient-conditions terhadap pembentukan overall image, customer satisfaction dan loyalty intentions. Bau /Aroma ditemukan menjadi faktor suasana paling signifikan yang mempengaruhi citra keseluruhan. Di sisi lain, Kualitas Udara menunjukkan bahwa factor terebut tidak signifikan. Mengenai customer satisfaction, Tingkat Kebisingan dan Musik adalah faktor-faktor yang sangat signifikan. Kualitas udara ditemukan lagi tidak menjadi factor yang signifikan dalam mempengaruhi customer satisfaction. Selanjutnya, ditemukan bahwa Overll Image dan Cucstomer Satisfaction menjadi predictor yang positif terhadap kedua Loyalty Intentions di dalam industri perhotelan., This research was intended to examine the critical role of ambient-condition factorsin the formation of overall image, customer satisfaction, and loyalty intentions. Theresults of the research was taken from a sample of 156 luxury hotel customers inJakarta to demonstrate the influence ambience conditions factors have on theformation of overall image, customer satisfaction and loyalty intentions.Odor/Aroma was found to be the most significant ambience factor which affectedoverall image while on the other end of the spectrum, Air Quality showed to beinsignificant. Regarding Customer Satisfaction, Noise/Sound level was the mostsignificant with Music factor being second with mere differences. Air Quality wasagain found to be insignificant in influencing Customer Satisfaction. Furthermore,Overall Image and Customer Satisfaction was found to positively influencecustomers’ Loyalty Intentions in the hotel industry.]